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God Almighty but it's quiet today. Let's look at some hunky vicars.

11:23 / 16.04.04
It's like something out of Father Ted, but it's REAL.

So, can anyone find a hunkier bunch of vicars?
11:31 / 16.04.04
Gosh, they'll cut a Dashing Figure at Choir Practice with the Young Boys.
Grey Area
12:00 / 16.04.04
...does anyone else think it odd that there' three pages of female clerical wear and only one page for men? Even taking into account the two-person shots, it's hardly a reflection of the actual gender distribution of the trade, is it?

(I'm putting way too much thought into this...)
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:52 / 16.04.04

'Oh look, someone's hung a sign in that tree. "The vicar's a..." HEY!!!'
13:42 / 16.04.04
We're all dying to know, Sav.

How, and why, did you find soft vestments porn?

What were you looking for?

Did you find it?

Were you to post it here, would it have to carry a warning?

Inquiring minds want to know.
14:11 / 16.04.04
You mucky, mucky heathens! It was the charming result of a perfectly innocent search for 'wippells'.
14:13 / 16.04.04
Umm... what are "wipells"? I'd Google it myself, only I'm scared what I might find...
14:24 / 16.04.04
Okay, I'll come clean. I saw the request for school caps in the Art forum and thought "hmm, the company who supply our Uni with gowns and silly hats for the annual graduation ceremony might do something along those lines, I'll see if they have a web site. What are they called again? Ah, yes, Wippells."

What a result, eh?

So, who's going to be the first to raid the Photos thread and stick 'lither heads on vicar bodies? Hyuk hyuk...
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:40 / 16.04.04
Sav sez(snip-snip/stickysticky):

"Mucky, mucky search for 'wippells'. I'll come clean. hmm. Ah, yes, Wippells"
19:18 / 16.04.04
Nope, 'sno good. Only one of those men has the neck to wear one of those shirts, and he has the hair of a Ken doll.
Mourne Kransky
08:56 / 17.04.04
Two pages of pictures of demure lady vicar babes and only one page of hunky Godsnogger males? Do women need more help with Christian chic then?
Mourne Kransky
09:16 / 17.04.04
Sorry, Grey Area, for I see you had the same rumination further up the thread. I was so excited by the pics, I forgot to read the text. I'm always doing that with porn.
Cherry Bomb
10:17 / 17.04.04
Ha! Only one pic maybe, but you must admit that vicar is indeed a hunk.
10:27 / 17.04.04
Oh, but Xoc, I'm sure you're missing out...

with trembling fingers I lifted his cassock...

No. No more. Bad Stoatie. Stoatie's going to hell.
12:25 / 17.04.04
There are women vicars too? I only checked the first page. Damn my lack of patience.
12:31 / 17.04.04
Sorry for double posting, but this I gotta do

cute, cute, cute
(or maybe it's sick, sick, sick, I'm not really sure )
15:13 / 17.04.04
I used to get the CM Almy & Sons catalog, which seems to be similiar...

The catalogs had much better pictures than the website.
Grey Area
15:18 / 17.04.04
OK, it's an extremely boring, rainy Saturday afternoon and I'm stuck indoors. That's all the excuses I can offer for this:

Am I going straight to hell? Why yes, I think I am...
Baz Auckland
19:36 / 17.04.04
Blue doesn't look right though, does it? I mean, she looks more like a dental hygenist than a priest...
19:50 / 17.04.04
She can't be both? Are you trying to imply that Christ did not also die for healthier gums?
20:03 / 17.04.04
Didn't she used to play bass for Robert Palmer?
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