I just wanted to give a bit of an introduction so you guys all have a vague idea what I am about.
I am a 32 year old female. I currently live in Georgia but plan on relocating in the next 2 years.
I have been single for about 2 years and have never been happier and feel like I have been freed to be who I want to be not what everyone else expects me to be. This is a strange concept coming from a submissive woman but I lived 7 years out side of that realm and hated it though I hung on and lived it for my three children(all male and under 7 yrs.old) He finally freed me by meeting someone who would treat him as bad as he needed to be treated and didn't have a brain in her head. Thank God!
I am a psuedo-Christian and a libertarian.
My favorite quote is.."The slave escapes her bonds to find a stronger set of chains. ~ Anonymous "
Strangely enough I found this site looking for information about facial branding. No not for me but for an analogy I am writing about domestic animals and slaves.
So anyway that is the quick version of me hopefully I will get to share more and read and learn more from all of you.
I think it's a not quite Christian...no, wait, that would be a para-Christian. Or would it? I don't know. Someone out there clear this up for me, 'cause it's going to irritate me all day now.
I know Mormonism, or LDS or whatever you would like to call it is sometimes refered to as a Pseudo-Christian sect, so maybe it's that. On the other hand, there might be others.