Thanks for that.
I was starting to feel like all those little old British ladies Nabokov's publisher was sure wouldn't want to order copies of 'Mnemosyne Speaks' because they couldn't pronounce it.
It seemed O was the best shot, for the Oscar Wilde/Melmoth Sebastian kick... and because I'm reading 'Pussy King of the Pirates' again, the O/Story of/Ostracism kick was fresh in my head. The 0 idea did, however, have a certain glimmer of possibility to it. Non-number masquerading as one, uncountable and distinguished, and utterly wrapped up in that fine coat of cyberyness that the comic wears so well.
I now want a Morrison comic about Count Ostracism. In the new Doom Patrol.
Now, a stranger question: Was it written near publication? It seems to have a somewhat earlier Morrisonian vibe - unless it was pubished pre-Vertigo and my memory's just bad - from when I recall first seeing it on the shelf. Some of the things have been touched on, such as the blithe dandyism-will-save-us-all meme - and it will - but also, simply the way characters move about and speak and relate. Reminds of his pre-States stuff. |