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A Night Of No Sleep

Multiple Man
13:30 / 10.04.04
Basically tonight im not going to sleep, this is to;

A. Test my own endurance
B. Prove to my friends that i can do it, as they doubt my willpower
C. See the sun rise, as i never have.

What i need though is something to keep me bloody well occupied between 12 and 6/7 AM, Any ideas will be considered.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:13 / 10.04.04
Sleeping. It's what all the cool kids who don't have insomnia or night jobs are doing these days.
15:28 / 10.04.04
staying up all night to see the sun rise? just set your fucking alarm clock for 5 minutes before sunrise you putz. then after you've watched the earth revolve that fraction of a degree you can go back to bed
15:46 / 10.04.04
Man, I stay up all night very often (unintentionaly) and now I come to share my wisdom, and I realise that I have no idea what I do.

Just don't sleep I guess.

And have a steady in flow of caffiene. Lots of sweet sweet caffiene..
Multiple Man
15:48 / 10.04.04
Good plan, im also hoping to get a good sugar-rush going from the Chocolate on Easter Morning.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
06:11 / 11.04.04
You can clean my house, re-do the links page on my website, type up the comic strip scripts I have hand written, take the bees for a walk, put together the best workout in history, play with your magic nose goblins, explain the history of the universe in 25 words or less, make everyone on Barbelith a cake or play Doom 2 ALL NIGHT LONG!

How's that?
10:12 / 11.04.04
Or.. you could get your hands on a modded Xbox and possibly never sleep again.
11:02 / 11.04.04
Btw, how did it go? What did you do?
13:10 / 11.04.04
What did you take?
Multiple Man
14:00 / 11.04.04
It was ok-ish. Till about 2AM i was just netting. Then i made myself a some lasagne, after that i got pretty bored and went down in my Cellar looking for some fun. Found a cool old bottle of wine from the Orient which has loads of dead snakes (?!) in it and i found my mums old Thoth Tarot deck. I was bored out of my skull from 4-6AM and i went to bed as soon as i had seen the sun rise.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
16:44 / 11.04.04
I too face a night of sleep deprivation, mainly due to the fact that I'm at work all night.

Due to it being Easter and everything I have literally nothing to do, except about 15 minutes' paperwork. All this in a 12 hour night shift. I can't really drink snake infused oriental wine, but I can drink gallons of coffee, surf the net, read Perdido Street Station and listen to Radio 4, though, so my night's pretty much spoken for.

Hehe, and the goons at work will be paying me double time and a fifty quid bonus for all this graft.
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