Maybe if you had a freindly Kung-Fu spirit that was evoked when you visualized your opponent or something, or you'd been good at Kung-Fu in your previous life(!), there's a lot of ways in which i think it could happen, but i can understand that it's hard to concieve of this, and after starting lessons i can see a lot more how it would be almost impossible, almost.
well, i was good at kung fu earlier in this life, does that count?
if this is being directed at me(and i assume it is), i should maybe clear something up.
the point of this is not to master tai chi. all i want is to familiarise myself with the forms of tai chi, the most elemental piece of the taichichuan puzzle. i am confident that my studies to date will help me with mastering these simple movements so that i may build on them, probably in the presence of a teacher.
the impetus for retreading the martial path was a friend of mine asking if i would train with him. the request was conditional on me regaining my fitness, andi have decided i should learn something new while i work out. it will take me a few months for my strength to back to anything like it was, and i was going to fill the time with some learning. the idea was to give me focus, i guess.
maitreya i would say that if (and here comes that assumption engine again) you have not studied martial arts in a setting you would consider disciplined, you are going to have trouble picking them up from pictures and the like.
i will probably find that vid clips are my best bet, but as you can no doubt guess, they are not all of a high quality. this thread was my last ditch attempt, having googled like crazy, to find a reliable source for such a resource.
i was hoping that someone more experienced would step in, able to discern whether the fu being kung'ed was kosher with a higher degree of skill than myself. i can tell the really shite sites, but i am lost in the mediocre to good.
this is partly why the online resources are so limited in their usefulness; you need to have some skills and knowledge to know if they are telling you lies.
on a tangent...
why is it that the martial arts dont get a look in on this site? ostensibly the child(perhaps spawn is more apt) of the invisibles mythos, it would seem a glaring barb'omission.
we have no real physical aspect to barbelith. is that because we are all the kind of kids who skived PE class to play guitar/do our hair? would a sports forum be of any use? The Arena? |