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Char Aina
14:57 / 07.04.04
this thread has the best damn abstract in the entire known barbeverse- or it will do as soon as we have devised it.

i want this thread to be the surprise hit for the barbelith search engine. cram the abstract with enough 'mcguffins' to get it noticed ad it will become a timecapsule thread, a sorta brigalith, apearing once every four hundred years to slightly puzzled looks and then promptly disappearing when the popululation of Bah'LITH-3012 realise it actually is worthless.


who reckons they can write the best topic summary barbelith has ever seen?

an abstract that would get you a first from any university no matter what the course, before they even open your thesis. a teaser no one can turn down, a curiosity piquer.

(and a nod to the folks who called files 'purge search history' so that there was something there when i tried that in the kazaa engine)
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