(A quick note for new members - this thread has been started, I think, by Modzero, one of our less dangerous trolls, who nonetheless hangs around here pretty much on sufferance and should probably not draw too much attention to himself. He believes that Barbelith is badly run, and would be far better run if he were allowed to define its functionality, moderation and so on, and if nobody ever disagreed with him about anything. When this failed to happen last time, and he was kicked off for a series of harrassing and trolling activities, he registered about half a dozen suits, who turned up claiming to be casual acquaintances of his who just happened to wake up that day minded to start threads about how badly this guy that they didn't know very well had been treated, not that they had really followed it at all. At about the same time his apparently non-imaginary friend attempted to start a sort of pressure group of illuminati within Barbelith called IcDU, to bring about a shinier tomorrow.
This is not therefore so much poetry as a continuation of a long-standing vendetta, which is why it is not getting the friendly safe space reaction one might expect in the Creation. Mod may also believe that he is casting a sort of magical charm by doing this, but that's outside my remit.) |