Thought I'd start a thread where people can trade/give away anything that they don't want to keep in their collections, as I've got such an item and nobody in the Books forum Free Books thread has taken me up on it yet...
The One Rule (yes, sorry, there are rules):
-> You don't sell anything. Help with postage is OK, but no selling. If you want cash for your comics, use EBay. <-
Copied from Free Books thread:
My spring cleaning has unearthed a stack of 2000AD's, dating from about Jan 1998 through to about mid-1999. They include the complete Red Durham revival saga, the Sinister Dexter story-arc that ended with them breaking up and a ton and a half of other things. Run is nearly uninterrupted except towards the end where it gets patchy.
This item is offered as one complete item only. You get all the 2000AD's, as well as the DV8 satchel they're currently stored in, 'cause I don't want it. 
Note: This stack is too heavy for second class postage, so whoever wants it will have to work something out with me to help cover the cost of shipping. |