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I'm Bored, Tell Me What To Read...

02:01 / 05.04.04
I'm working and am pretty bored, as well as right near my uni library. So, anyone got a non-fiction book that they'd reccomend checking out, something in the vein of Disinfo's offerings, like on the state of the world today, or magick, or anything interesting? I've got two more hours...
Char Aina
02:06 / 05.04.04
'food of the gods', by terrence mckenna

its about human evolution, and how he feels we may owe a debt of gratitude to 'soma' for giving us language. he goes into what he thinks soma is, and into lots of other related areas.

best bit?

when he draws a mental picture for us of aliens watching humans as we rush out doors at the first sign of sun to lie down and 'recharge'.

or you could read 'anticlimax', by sheila jeffries.

thats a harcore feminist professor explaining why the sexual revolution was nothing of the kind.
05:56 / 05.04.04
the anatomy of love is a great book that talks about the scientific side of why we feel what we feel, love and relationships-wise. the evolution of desire talks about what makes people want to sleep with others. it's from an evolutionary perspective, and as such, is heterocentric. but fascinating, i feel.
08:38 / 05.04.04
Foucault's Pendulum, by Umberto Eco, if you haven't already read it. Three guys at a vanity publishing house decide to have a laugh at the expense of a Who's Who of European occultist nutjobs and soon wish they hadn't.
lonely as a cloud...
09:08 / 05.04.04
For non-fiction that might be in a uni library, I'd recommend The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins - as far as I'm aware, this was the book that introduced the concept of the meme. Very good read. Godel, Escher, Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstader is another good read, takes in logic, language theory, math and zen. Can be a bit hard to follow at times, but each chapter is prefaced by a dialogue which describes the topic at a kinda higher level.
10:30 / 05.04.04
best topic abstract ever. is your partner really that boring paddy?
Celeriac Is Ugly Vegetable
17:40 / 05.04.04
Cosmic Trigger Volume 1 by Robert Anton Wilson, if no-one's mentioned that before. Weird, wonderful, wacky and Illuminati-tastic.

Yes, I'm new.
karen eliot
22:51 / 05.04.04
"Laws of Form" by G. Spencer Brown is a book of mind-boggling philosophy disguised as math. This one will fuck you up but good (and has lots of magickal applications if yr into that sort of thing).
22:53 / 05.04.04
best topic abstract ever. is your partner really that boring paddy?

By on the job, I meant actually working at a job. I monitor the computer lab for work study, and it entails just sitting there, and helping people occasionally, so I have a lot of time to kill, and unfortunately, no partner.

And, all these suggestions are great. I've taken them down, and checked out Foucault's Pendulum. Will start it soon.
23:00 / 05.04.04
The Bible. They've dumbed it down and made a really tacky film of it, but the book's still worth a glance.
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