nina, I'm so dumb - I thought you had a weed that was lifting/pushing your plants out. I've never had a real issue with squirrels, just bunnies. my bunnies really like gerber daisy leaves and strawberry plants. the bunnies aren't particularly plentiful and both plants are very hardy, so it's never a real problem. if it IS a squirrel, try offering him something tastier - like peanuts!
new garden pics:

this large cluster of daisies popped up from last year. though they're annuals in variable weather like we have here, if you don't cut off the dying flower and just let the seeds do their thing all spring, summer and fall, you're very likely to get a couple of plants next year. they're my favorite garden flower, as they bloom for months, sometimes you'll get a surprise color, and they're extremely hardy and easy to care for.

this one is a little squished looking, having just bloomed, but I assure you, it got much prettier.
I can never remember what these are called. I bought some last year, they grew well and I loved them. they come in many colors, so this year I bought these and purple clusters, too. they attract big fat bumblebees, and I absolutely adore fat fuzzy little bees.
tomatoes slowly getting fatter
a weedy vine that comes back every year, I have no idea what this is. I shouldn't let it grow, as I have to constantly cut it back before it strangles my other plants, but I think it's pretty, and I like watching how it winds its way around anything nearby within a few days. |