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I never thought it was possible to be this bored.....

Oresa delta 20
00:14 / 04.04.04
In the past, i've occasionally thought that, in terms of being bored, i'd hit rock bottom. However, tonight, it appears i've discovered the ability to dig just a little bit further. While looking for something to do, i started browsing the 'lith member list. It struck me (god only knows why) that there were vast numbers of people who have neither posted, nor created threads. So, with the absence of any better - or indeed, anything at all - to do, i decided to carry out a wee survey. This involved five test groups, based purely on membership numbers. They were as follows: 1-100, 1001-1100, 2001-2100, 3001-3100, and 4001-4100. All i wanted to see was what percentage of each group had neither posted nor created a thread. Please don't ask me why i actually did this, as i fear that in seeking for the true answer, i may actually damage my mind. Anyways, without further ado, here, exclusively for all you lucky people, are the results of the most interesting survey you will come across in the next few seconds. (Unless you happen to come across another survey in that short time period, in which good for you.)

Group A (1-100)
No Posts: 0%
No Threads: 17%

Group B (1001-1100)
No Posts: 55%
No Threads: 77%

Group C (2001-2100)
No Posts: 55%
No Threads: 75%

Group D (3001-3100)
No Posts: 86%
No Threads: 92%

Group E (4001-4100)
No Posts: 68%
No Threads: 95%

I would like to apologise to all now, for any mental anguish or psychological trauma incurred through the consumption of this boring shit. Please send any hatemail, or details of forthcoming lawsuits against me, to my email address.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:05 / 04.04.04
Jeez, you were, like, monumentally bored, weren't you?
07:49 / 04.04.04
Can you do it in Venn diagrams?

I love Venn diagrams.
Cat Chant
08:12 / 04.04.04
I think that's actually set up to not be possible in Venn diagrams, Stoatie: where would the overlap be? Pie charts, you could do it in. (Four small pie charts rather than one huge one.)
eddie thirteen
08:40 / 04.04.04
Jupiter, I gotta know -- how long did this take?

...Wow. I was just woken up by a storm, and was gonna kill time online, but I think I've been inspired to...go back to bed. Man.
08:45 / 04.04.04
Erm, where is this members list?
Cat Chant
10:37 / 04.04.04
Click on the link in "Barbelith now has 4000-odd members" on the front page, Human Being. You can then order the members by number, name, number of posts or number of topics.

Should you want to.
11:08 / 04.04.04
Bed Head
11:27 / 04.04.04
Erm, where is this members list?

Arf! This from the chap who’s been all ‘I am a senior poster and established authority on all things lithy therefore thou shalt respect me’ of late. He doesn’t even know where the member list is! Get to the very end of the list where you belong, dude.

Still, it’s news to me that Venn diagrams actually mean something. I thought they were, like, abstract musings about boring old statistics. What the majority feels like today, whether the minority is intimidated, how cozy and snug the overlap can be; that sort of thing. Which chunk of data is most likely to put the kettle on.
13:36 / 04.04.04
I used to have a job where I'd regularly get super bored, but if anyone knew about it, they'd give you their most horrific crap work to sop up, which I resent too much to do regardless of how effectively it might break up the tedium. no internet, no external email! I would make these really elaborate spreadsheets, on any subject at all. the best was around the winter holidays, because I'd make really super detailed shoppping lists and charts on my xmas spending so far. I'd also sometimes type the lyrics to my favorite songs, over and over again.

god that job was crap. I should go back and torch the place.
13:56 / 04.04.04
Do it! Do it! Go with guns and stuff! Workplace devastation is FUN, dammit!!! Or so I hear.

And then post your results on here. With a Venn diagram. It'd be interesting to see the crossover between people whose presence irritated you at the time of the spree and those for whom you'd harboured a deep-seated loathing for ages.
Cat Chant
14:02 / 04.04.04
And those most likely to put the kettle on.
14:04 / 04.04.04
eh. I'm not much on guns and explosives; I'm more of a "hands on" type nutter.
14:10 / 04.04.04
Ah, Deva... you're falling prey to a common misconception there.

People who don't put the kettle on aren't the problem.


So I'm told.

Actually, I think I forgot to take my meds this morning. Bad Stoatie.
Bed Head
14:27 / 04.04.04
I'm more of a "hands on" type nutter

In which case, your Venn diagram could be handily divided into those former colleagues you dispatch by slamming into fixtures (wall, floors, doors, whatever), and those you kill by smashing objects (fists, feet, nunchucks, or wielded chair) into. The overlap would be the kills that make you satisfied enough to want to put the kettle on and have a contemplative biccy before continuing with your spree. I think it could be a project worth doing, BK. It’d make ever such a pretty diagram.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
14:47 / 04.04.04

"You can then order the members by number"

What, and get them delivered to my house?
14:48 / 04.04.04
I totally agree, Bed Head. I can't think of anything nicer than a nice cup of tea, a biscuit and a bit of a sit-down to recharge one's batteries before TAKING OUT THE REST OF THOSE WATER-NICKING MOTHERFUCKERS and...

hold on

does anyone know the html for "green biro"?

Must lie down for a bit now. Lie down and dream of weaponry.
Cat Chant
18:11 / 04.04.04
and then get them delivered to my house?

Your request for home delivery of member number [x] has been logged. It will require agreement by 4283 other moderators before it will be actioned.
19:06 / 04.04.04

"So I said to him...Look mate, you don't even know where the members list is!"
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:31 / 04.04.04
Stoatie: YESS! BURNINATE those who purloin your hot water! Likewise those who come in when you're sitting down to watch a video that YOU'VE rented, and go "What's this shit then?" like everything you watch is shit, right, and then, THEN, when you pop across the road for a couple of cold ones to enjoy with your video, you come back to find they've watched the first 20 minutes of it WHILE YOU WERE GONE! And then they won't let you rewind it properly and start from the beginning, oh, no. No, they have to make you watch the first 20 mins. of YOUR rented film BACKWARDS, because they won't give you the video remote.

Sorry, did you guys have a thread going on or something?
Char Aina
20:20 / 04.04.04
people who wont pause it when you go pee as well.
in fact, anyone who is in any way not respectful enough of the art of cinema. that especially includes those who NEED to talk through films, about all their scintillating tales of adventure on the underground/inadequate shower temperature this morning, when it is quite obvious you are not conversing.(ie the lights are off, you are not even grunting in reply, your girlfriend keeps giving them dirty looks and you have told them already that you are "really looking forward to getting some quiet time in front of a movie") it also includes those who fast forward past the beginning credits and rewind the tape too early. smaller crimes, but not yet small enough to pass unnoticed.

i *will* find you,
and then you'll be sorry.
09:21 / 05.04.04
Five people. All of whom sat behind me in Dawn of the Dead last week. None of whom, afaik, I'd paid my hard-earned money to listen to.

You know who you are.
09:29 / 05.04.04
Actually, I am planning on putting togheter a militant unity entitled "Cinematic Liberation Front; clearing out the nasty looking (and loud!) fuckers frequently seen in cinemas all around you" We would kick down the door in the middle of "Master and Commander" yelling "down, down! you pesky excuses for poor mammals!"
Whisky Priestess
17:48 / 06.04.04
(Dragging the thread back on topic ...)

What happened to Members # 101-1000?

I am Member # 127! I demand that my voice be heard!
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