BARBELITH underground

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"I've been here longer, I'm right. I don't care what your argument is"


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18:25 / 02.04.04
You're a dick.

Your maybe taking me too seriously? Is it something i've said?

Is it because i'm not an older member?
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:51 / 02.04.04
why thankyou Tom. bwahahahahahahaha. etc.

I am indeed now nearly seven feet tall. and ver' novel it is too....

Deva, you can of course be a number two. as long as you're as you keep fluttering in that fabulously femmy fashion

Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
01:53 / 03.04.04
I would rather in the members who joined after me were to serve me as if I were their god.

Morlock - groupie for hire
06:33 / 03.04.04
Only as if, Solli? Are you feeling alright?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:55 / 03.04.04
Fuck this shit. I was first and I'm holding the talking cane so you all just listen to me.


OK, next person take the cane...
08:16 / 03.04.04
Your obviously wrong Human Being #913478356 62898711, being number 1067. In fact anyone whos number is higher than 81 is wrong cos I'm number 1 and you cant argue.
Cat Chant
12:38 / 03.04.04
[hastily and loudly] I am now number 2, and I say that I am a butch. And Sleaze is also number 2, and he says that I am a butch, so BiP is outvoted by two #2s to one.

Phew [sinks down onto butch chaise-longue, fanning self with butch ostrich-feather fan, all butchly atremble at close shave]
Oresa delta 20
13:34 / 03.04.04
I remember the good old days, when there were tighter restrictions on joining, and we never had these sorts of conversations (read problems). I thought i was around 950-1050, but am pleased to find that i am in fact, Member #884. So, i decree that all members with numbers that exceed my own must, from this day forth, worship at my feet, and call me "*Mr* Jupiter's child, the Eight Hundred and Eighty Fourth Lord and Master of All creation." In addition to which, if any of my benign and worthy masters (1-883) would like any pie, i am always ready to serve.
14:39 / 03.04.04
Being number 80 I have decided number 884 is wrong and all members with numbers that exceed this do not have to, worship at 884s feet, or call him "*Mr* Jupiter's child, the Eight Hundred and Eighty Fourth Lord and Master of All creation. For being number 884 he is the lord god of holy wrongness, and shall only be known as 'Him who was worshiped for a bit', and only on the sacred day of May 6 by member number 2222 whomever that me be. May the farce be with you.
Baz Auckland
16:03 / 03.04.04
Now really.... the ranking should be based on the number of posts to one's name. There are dozens of loafers who have user numbers under 100 who have never posted...

Therefore, grant, Flux and Stoatie are our lords... and I'm #25! Ha!
Foust is SO authentic
16:41 / 03.04.04
Wow, I'm in the top quarter! 1081.

1082 and above, unite! Let us throw off the shackles of those 1080 and above! Let the rivers run red with their blood!

Viva la Revolution! A new world! With 1081 as your leader!
16:49 / 03.04.04
But do you remember Jay Babcock? Do you?!

'Cause sometimes I forget.
Spatula Clarke
00:36 / 04.04.04
I am number 8. I am on the member list as having registered this suit in July 2001. AmericanMagus is number 2585. Ze is on the memberlist as having registered hir suit in June 2001.

As I obviously have mad skillz in the field of time-travelling and/or mathematical logic warpathonication, it's plain that I'm better than the lot of you put together. With the possible exception of AmericanMagus, natch.
Oresa delta 20
00:45 / 04.04.04
As a proud member of Barbelith, i feel it is my responsibility to report to the greatest members of the board, that i believe Akira to be a Witch/Communist/Terrorist/Big Brother fan, and as a result, I believe Ze should be subjected to a humiliating and ridiculously biased trial, followed by a horrific and unjustified punishment. Naturally, Anyone who joined the board before myself is welcome to disagree with me, although their only possible motive for such an argument is that they must be part of the same coven/plot/network/neurosurgery trial.

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