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I Want My LiveJournal

16:58 / 01.04.04
What the hell is going on with LiveJournal? First it was eating my comments & now I'm getting 400 errors when I try to load pages.

17:01 / 01.04.04
I'm having the same problem. I'm just going to give up and maybe try to get work done.

damned distractions always letting me down....
17:08 / 01.04.04
Won't they let you go home? You sound too sick to work.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:14 / 01.04.04
On the bright side, LiveJournal was back up again a few minutes ago when I tried.
17:29 / 01.04.04
Okay, I'm back in.

But seriously, doesn't LJ seem less reliable? It's so perilous to be dependent on technology like this...
Ethan Hawke
17:30 / 01.04.04
Screw the technical problems - is Livejournal spreading *human* disease?
18:08 / 01.04.04
Are you sick again?

If I'm infected with nanosentinels, I want at least to be able to telekinetically fetch myself juice and crackers.

I want Xorn
18:23 / 01.04.04
Apparently there was somone that was added to every user today, ljserialadder or something like that - people thought it was an Aprils Fool - maybe it was something to do with that...

Here's the profile for him -


The ID has around 12,000 comments at the moment....
Ethan Hawke
18:26 / 01.04.04
No, I'm fine. Except my head itches. I need to get these staples out. I just printed out some instructions and showed them to my boss. She was not amused.
18:29 / 01.04.04
LJ's reliability is and has always been teh suck.

This is why, despite shelling out for permanent membership, I don't use it any more, except to reply to other people which I could do with a free account. Well, it's one of the reasons, anyway.

It has, however, been a lot suckier than it is now.
18:31 / 01.04.04
By the way I wouldn't click on the above users comments if your at work - the average LJ user seems to like porn (and Ghostbusters apparently)

Unlike me of course....

well Ghostbusters was cool
18:44 / 01.04.04
Yeah, lj_serialadder is an April Fool's prank. Why does the media feel the need to produce April Fool's pranks? Is it catharsis for them?

You don't miss being on LiveJournal, fridge?
18:57 / 01.04.04
I used to get more comments when I posted on LJ, and there's more of a sense of community. I think I have a wider readership now, though, and I Google better.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
20:03 / 01.04.04
Was LJ ever alive?

I like it for the interconnectedness of it all, and see it now as a message board of people who either are bitching about life or...well...OK, just bitching about life. One of my RL friends just joined and it was kind of odd to see how he questioned it in ways I hadn't.
20:36 / 01.04.04
I'm a proponent of using things, technology to suit one's own purposes. I don't care about the LiveJournal community per se --just my personal community, which I connect to via LJ. Which I just want not to break.

Then again, that's taking apart "the messageboard" and "the community" for the purposes of discussion. They are not wholly separable, of course.

But what did your friend say?
21:10 / 01.04.04
I'd like to add to that a bit, actually.

Part of the rationale behind moving to my own blogging software was that I was becoming more interested in writing longer, blog-type pieces, rather than bitching about my job, which I still do but not so much. I wanted to be able to catalogue them properly, too - LJ has a keyword cataloguing system (Memories) which is quite good but awkward to use on a regular basis. I was also interested in site design, which is a pain in the arse on LJ, with all sorts of restrictions as to how you can display your posts. You can do a lot more with MT, as well as use other technologies like phonecam uploading and audio posts. Admittedly, since I left, LJ started putting more of these features on, and they're introducing them pretty regularly - it was in a bit of a rut when I stopped using it.

The main thing though was the change in content. I wasn't so interested in discussing things, I wanted to pontificate more and at greater length. Selfishly, I also wanted people who read my stuff to be reading it on *my* terms - I wanted them to see exactly what I'd designed, rather than filtered through their friends page.

Sometimes I think this is a bad thing, emphasising as it does style over content. Okay, style *is* content... perhaps, emphasising a certain type of visual and functional content over textual. I got very excited about the ability to fiddle with the design and change things around but now I've pretty much settled, the novelty doesn't seem so worth it.

I think sometimes about maintaining both simultaneously, putting personal stuff on the LJ and political and geeky shit on the blog, but that would make it harder for people who want to read both - and the political and geeky shit is personal anyway. It's not like I'm writing a review or politics site, to which people come with certain expectations. It all gets lumped in together.
21:41 / 01.04.04
That's really interesting, fridge... maybe if I changed the whiny title and topic abstract, this could turn into a good thread for discussion...
21:58 / 01.04.04
I've put some posts on both my LJ and my blog from which I hope to get some perspective from the two groups who actually read the thing.
lonely as a cloud...
07:09 / 02.04.04
"I don't care about the LiveJournal community per se --just my personal community, which I connect to via LJ."
I like that remark, Persephone. That's more or less how I use LJ. Kinda like a means to an end rather than an end in itself.
That made sense in my mind, but written out....hmmm.
08:12 / 02.04.04
I've been using my LJ as a catchall for all the things I'm too lazy to turn into 1995-vintage html for my website, which itself has become just a sack full of jpegs.

I like LJ, but I really need to edit my entries down and hang them on my website before LJ tell us freeloaders to pay up or piss off.
09:34 / 02.04.04
I recently got a paid account, and the only thing I've used it for so far is to search for people in certain areas.

I have a similar problem about old entries - LJ seems particularly bad at storing them (more than 250 entries or whatever the limitation is, at which point you have to click on the older entries by date, which seems tedious). I think I need to archive up my old entries and put them on a different webpage too.
Ethan Hawke
12:26 / 02.04.04
Really, the main improvement they should make to livejournal is to code in a "subject" tag so that entries (your own and others) can be indexed against each other under various broad topics (like our Barbelith forum remits, for example). Then you could have "friends" pages that show only your friends' posting in certain topics, etc. It would basically supplant a bulletin board at that point, especially one like barbelith that is so archaic in a lot of ways. Things that livejournal does better than Barbelith (if we're taking Barbelith as the de facto standard for message boards - which I would, as it's the only one I bother with (aside from some semi-private boards and a few very subject specific places) already include e-mail notification (tom, if you're reading this, I still don't buy the rationale that this function would kill discussion. Quite the opposite I would think), threaded comments (this, I think, would neatly shunt off in-thread fighting (and rot) into a cul de sac) , and, most importantly, distributed moderation. As "owner" of a particular post, you have complete rights to decide who can post what on it. Most people don't abuse this power, but in an ad hoc community of livejournalers (right now, I'm envisioning if ALL of Barbelith was connected livejournals instead of a message board) different people would have different standards about what is or is not allowable, and one can thereby choose with whom one wants to communicate/associate based on those standards. It's more of an anarchic model of community than barbelith, and one that I think would be more self-regulating even than Tom's model for distributed moderation.

The other thing that Livejournal does better than Barbelith is that the small touches of customization LJ allows seems to make personalities blossom - it's so much more intimate than Barbelith, and I don't think it necessarily has to do with scale. It has to do with the fact that if you start a topic, and someone you dont' know very well posts on it, they're on *you're* turf so that you are inclined to engage with them more sympathetically than you would on neutral ground, and vice versa - posting on a stranger or acquaintances journal inclines one to be more polite and respectful (unless, of course, your aim is to flame them.).

I guess I sort of wish that Barbelith would migrate to an LJ model, because I like dealing with LJ better and I think sometimes that it's the future of online interaction. There are already a few Barbelith "communities" on LJ with overlapping membership, and a larger barbelith community could sustain several smaller ones - though those communities are defined not by a transcendent authority but by each individual user - the consequences of which would be interesting to see. In any case, if you're on livejournal and you're not already on my friend's list, add me! I like new people.
Ethan Hawke
12:27 / 02.04.04
Plus, you get to take polls.
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