Well exactly!
To quote some old bastard talking about something or other "This isn't a war, it's a rescue mission." It's seems obvious to me that this dualistic seperation between Pirates and Ninjas is just auto-destructive. To make matters worse, I've even seen some people on here viewing Vikings with suspicion.
If there's one thing we know about Tesla, it's that he was ahead of his time, no less so on this question than on anything else. Let's be honest, it's only really fear and jealousy that keeps our camps apart. As a Pirate, I can quite happily admit that I'd love to have the ability to flip out, along the mastery of stealth and the element of surprise. Conversely, I can't thing of a single Ninja who wouldn't be improved by a hearty laugh, several pints of rum and some incredibly dangerous prosthetic limbs. I also think Ninjas get pissed off because they wouldn't be able to sneak about so silently if they were wearing/carrying as much booty as we do.
But really, we're not so different: we're all outsiders, we have codes of honour, we use cool looking swords, we hang around in tightly knit groups. We both have the capacity for insane violence. What's the real issue here? Why ARE Pirates and Ninjas at war? Is it one of those old legends, lost in the mists of time, and now no-one can remember what we were fighting for, but we carry on killing each other anyway? Did it have something to do with pie?
I think it may be worth adressing exactly what Tesla thought he was doing with the Philidelphia Experiment and why (although as you seem to suggest in the original post, I suspect the answer will turn out to be "He was trying to create some crazy freakish Pirate/Ninja hybrids. Because it would be fucking cool"), but I'm also interested in what the future holds if/when Tesla's dreams are finally realised. What would be the purpose of a Ninja/Pirate coalition? What could we achieve? Who would be our enemies? (Would we even HAVE any enemies)? Or would we just steal everyone else's booty very very quietly? |