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What are you scribbling?

09:50 / 01.04.04
open question: what are 'lithers working on, creatively, as we speak? Got any projects blistering your minds while you attempt to sleep, torturing you to be released? Long standing projects near completion? Ambitious projects barely begun?

I must admit in soliciting responses: I have a weakness for high-concept fiction projects that straddle the line between prose and poetry. However, I love talking creative shop generally, and I expect to see killer stuff from every corner. Launch your first salvos at will.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:54 / 02.04.04
I'm trying to crack the pro market for short speculative fiction. Right now I'm working on (amongst other things):

A longish poem
Two or three short stories
A fantasy potboiler

And then there's The Big Scary Long Novel That Eats My Life And Gives Back NOTHING, for which I am going the whole hog: landscape, languages, cultures, everything. I don't expect to get it finished anytime this decade, but at least the alphabets look cool.
12:55 / 02.04.04
I'm doing the April Fools Nanowrimo-esque thing this month. I'm aiming to write 10,000 words, which isn't much, but am hoping for it to be better quality than my Nanowrimo attempts. Not sure exactly what it will be about, but am planning to start it tonight.

I recently started a Douglas Coupland related Wiki, to aid with the translation of "God Hates Japan", which is in Japanese. I don't want it to be a straight translation, but more of a mixed up version of the original, which will probably end up not resembling the original text at all. Haven't done much towards it yet, so it needs a lot of work.

What else? Photography.. I haven't had a camera for very long, so am going to get some books out the library tonight to help with my photo-taking, and then hopefully embark on some kind of photography related project if it doesn't look too scary.

Oh, and my LiveJournal, often working on entries for that (although most don't seem to actually end up there!)
14:22 / 02.04.04
on a design front... i'm working on developing my stationery (hardly a 'corporate identity' but feels like it). working back from the previous dull version i did when i started out as a freelancer, into something which reflects me more.

one of the hardest jobs i've ever done!
16:01 / 02.04.04
Some rather absurd short stories that may or may not suck.. Some comic scripts and a novel (this is more in the dreaming section actually, oh well..) entitled "America as a memetic process - or America as an idea and how they sell it".. and yes, as you probably figured out while you were looking at the title.. I am, indeed, a pretentious cunt..
17:01 / 02.04.04
I'm writing short stories and songs, same as usual, but I'm really posting now to thank Squirmelia for the NaNoWriMo link. That's great! I'm planning to participate.

Adrian, don't call yourself pretentious. Leave that for the cynics to say. They'll be glad to - they don't have anything else to do.

17:38 / 02.04.04
I'm working on a film noir/absurdist play for creative writing class, but I don't want to now. The network actually crashed WHILE I was saving, deleting the entire third act. For anyone who has never had to before: rewriting something is very much not fun.
18:12 / 02.04.04
I've been interested in NaNoWriMo for a while now...I'm a four year veteran of the 3-day Novel Writing contest, so the idea of applying endurance techniques over the long haul intrigues me (I amazed myself and knocked out about 40 000 words of some of my best prose last year).

I'm actually starting to consider my next 3-day topic now.

I'm also reconstructing an odd-thousand pages of notes I lost when my old laptop got stolen between backups; the novel is a historical treatment dealing with a meeting between Leibniz and St. Joseph of Cupertino.

I'm pounding out a one-act play filtering a love triangle through Don Quixote.

I've been doing, with mixed but encouraging results, a poetry cycle called "Wrestle me, Nephilim my heirs" using techniques I call 'constrained aleatorics' that rest somewhere between machine poetry and Oulipo.

I've been finishing the art and draft text for a PDF RPG I plan to release for free in a few months, about a near future dystopia plagued with delusional psychotic supers. I'm also drafting a rules system for my far-future setting, Invictus.

I'm working with a few others assembling a show pitch aimed at TV Ontario and the CBC to do an interview show for speculative fiction and comic books (modelled after, for those who know it "Prisoners of Gravity").

I'm knocking around a short story that grew out of my having met Lord Jeffery Archer during my recent stay in Cambridge.

However, the thing that's really grabbing my attention right now is an idea for a book in 64 short chapters using nanofic and Borges-esque techniques, that traces its progression by tracking through the I Ching as mapped to a chess board, then jumping hexagram to hexagram via a Knight's Tour.

I have a bunch of little things on the go too, mostly embryonic.

Mind you, lately I've only been getting anything done when I'm not drunk, chasing women or at Barbelith (Hey Abigail: does that make me part of the "I'm an important White, North American Male author, and I type one-handed because I'm holding my penis all the time' school of literature"?).
18:23 / 02.04.04
A 3 day contest sounds like fun.. when and where is that held?
20:42 / 02.04.04
Used to be run by Anvil Press in Vancouver, but last year got taken over by Blue Lake Books (who raised the entry fee to $50 CAN...about $2.17 American ). You write it from home; no preassigned or secret topics...honour system:

Enter; if you love feeling crazy/inspired, you'll have a blast...I'm a total addict (in Canada if you go without sleep for more than 72 hours you are considered leaglly insane).
20:59 / 02.04.04
It is, however a prearranged time, Labour Day weekend, which sorta sucks...all your friends and family will be having fun barbeques and beer, and you'll be in a dark room and a cold sweat cuz you've only got 30 hours left and your eyes are so tired...
Cat Chant
19:54 / 03.04.04
I have a weakness for high-concept fiction projects that straddle the line between prose and poetry

Does porn with a lot of metaphors count? I mean, there's straddling. And metaphors are like poetry.

I am trying very, very hard to get a Harry Potter slash story I've been working on for nearly a year (which is, even for me, very slow going) finished by Easter weekend. I think it's quite good, but I'm not entirely sure yet. It's been really interesting to write, though.

Next up is either a Diana Wynne Jones fan novel or a realfic novel (lesbian chicklit with a touch of class: it will be the next Tipping the Velvet and make us a trillion billion pounds) in collaboration with my gf, which would be my first published novel and her seventy-oddth (I've lost count), which would be funny. Oh, and I'm going to write a picture book, too. And eventually a Young Adult novel with lesbians in, but that one's still a bit vague.
Benny the Ball
22:41 / 04.04.04
four script ideas, only one of them actually fleshed enough to start writing, one writen but needs a serious re-write and the other two flat as you like. Two novel ideas, one half writen and one needing some more research, and a comic series that I'd love to use for part of a self-published anthology. Have met two artists that I liked their ideas, one vanished and the other is still thinking about where they want to take it.
Whisky Priestess
18:04 / 08.04.04
Cohabitation has killed my creativity.

But I have high hopes of the long Easter weekend to finish a couple of half-written short stories, and my sitcom script is being given a reading in a couple of weeks' time.
23:11 / 08.04.04
God, this is a VERY long list:


- writing some songs with my band
- completing and sending out some long overdue mailart (to William Schaff)
- a poem, titled "The Mirror's Reflection is Late"

- writing and shooting a 90 or so minute [very] independent film with my freind
- a collage titled "Even You Can Meet New and Exiting People"
- designing a personal webpage

- sending some of my writing out to publishers
- writing the screenplay to a feature length film titled "Meat"
- writing a very lengthy surreal/post-modern choose-you-own-adventure novel
- writing a dystopian novel titled "Amerika" (no relation to the Kafka novel by the same name)

- film aforementioned film, "Meat"
- making a parody website called "Consumer Whore" which pretends to sell non-existant products
- making a short film titled "Rearview"
- creating an online forum
- making a webportal of like-minded artists, philosophers, revolutionaries and other intellectuals
- selling stuff on Cafe Press)

- creating an ongoing comic strip titled, "The Incredible Adventures of Joe Schmoe"
- writing an untitled novella about tabula-rasa, indoctrinated religion, and the innocence/ignorance of children
- writing a novel titled "Tom" (I was thinking about turning it into a screenplay)
- creating some sort of very poorly drawn dadaist/aburdist/satiric/experimental animation
- making an album of experimental music
- begining a literary magazine
- overthrowing the government and/or founding a utopia

Yes, I aim high. (I'm 16, mind you)

(P.S. - I didn't mispell that... I really do mean "aim" not "am," although the second would also apply)
10:15 / 09.04.04
I'm on with my story again after getting stuck at the beginning of chapter 2 and have found the start of another story that i could write alongside it, am writing in my magickal diary and am starting to write down a guide for Chaos Magick workings so i can put it online.

Still don't want a blog, feel wierd having a dairy online.
The Strobe
11:52 / 09.04.04
The novel. Ideas buzzing - unfortunately, they're not just about the novel, but when I'm settled down I'm going to force myself to blitz it, basically.

Music. Bits and bobs - again, I shall be divorced from music software/hardware for a while, but am finally getting there with an actually decent deep/techy house track I'm working on. Also, I need to finish the next demo CD and go back to the downbeat style I do so well in. Still, have now seen My Next Microphone which might come in handy.

Digital stuff; weblogs; photography progressing nicely. And then there's a paper that I might submit...
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