Some relevant bits from 'Cosmic Trigger' by Robert Anton Wilson. Im trying to make a re-cap of what is said, so it's more of a cut-up of quotes.
Basically he is talking about biochemical imprints in the brain (tunnel-realities), which can be "specifially triggered by neuro-transmitters and other drugs."
These 'brain circuits' are split into two categories:the Terrestrial brain circuits and the Evolving Future Brains.
-Terrestrial Brains:
I.The Bio-survival circuit (or Consciousness)
"The imprinting of this circuit sets up the basic attitude of trust or suspicion which will last for life."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Opiates(cellular intelligence,bio survival passivity,newborn consciousness)
II.The Emotional Circuit (or Ego)
"Identifies the stimuli which will automatically trigger dominant,aggressive behaviour or submissiveness."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Alcohol(territorial patterns,mamalian emotional politics)
III.The Dexterity-Symbolism Cicuit (or Mind)
"If the environment is stimulating to the third cicuit,the child takes a 'bright' imprint and becomes dextrous and articulate;if the environment is made of stupid people,the child takes a 'dumb' imprint."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Coffee,Tea,Speed,High-protein diet,Cocaine.
IV.The Socio-Sexual Circuit (or Adult personality)
"Experiences imprint a characteristic sex-role which is biochemically bonded and remains constant for life, unless some form of brain-washing or chemical re-imprint is accomplished."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Not yet Synthesized,but is generated by the glands after pubescense.
-Evolving Future Brains
V.The Neurosomatic Circuit
"Gestalts shift,in McLuhan's terms,from linear Visual Space to all-encompassing sensory space.I turned this circuit on with pot and Tantra.More recntly,Ornstein and his school have demonstrated with electroencephalograms that this circuit represents the first jump from the linear left lobe of the brain to the analogical right lobe."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Cannabis
VI.The NeuroElectric Circuit
"The sixth brain consists of the nervous system becoming aware of itself apart from imprinted gravitational reality-maps(circuits I-IV) and even apart from body rapture (circuit V).High velocity,multiple choice,relativity and the fission-fusion of all perception into parallel science-fiction universes or alternate possibilities.I turned this circuit on with Peyote,LSD and Crowleys 'magick' metaprograms."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Mescaline,Psilocybin although no specific sixth crcuit drug is available.
VII.The Neurogenetic circuit
"The seventh brain.The first to achieve this mutation spoke of 'memories of past lives', 'reincarnation', 'immortality' etc."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:LSD (Peyote and Psilocybin produce some circuit VII experiences also)
VIII.The Neuroatomic circuit
"Consciousness probably precedes the biological unit or DNA tape-loop.Out of body experiences,astral projections,contact with alien(extraterrestrial?)entities or a galactic Overmind etc. Dr.Leary suggests that circuit VIII is literally neuro-atomic-infra,supra and meta-physiological-a quantum mechanical communication system which does not require a biological container."
Neurotransmitter/drug trigger:Ketamine("a neuro-chemical researched by Dr.John Lilly which is also given to astronauts to prepare them for space") and high doese of LSD.
Hope this is of some use, although I'm guessing 'Cosmic Trigger' and Leary's 'Seven Tongues of God' are mostly familiar to you. |