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I, Robot starring Will Smith

Pants Payroll
23:20 / 31.03.04
First rumours of Nick Cage in the Wicker Man, now this. Is this really the result of people trying for 30 years to make this movie?
02:25 / 01.04.04
Just saw the preview.


I seem to remember one of the short storeys having a plot roughly similar to this, but I suspect that Hollywood has wiped its ass with another perfectly good story. My girlfriend has read the stories many more times than I have and thinks my fears are groundless.

I remain optomistic, but only barely.
Keith, like a scientist
03:48 / 01.04.04
it's just too bad they never made Harlan Ellison's brilliant I, Robot screenplay into a movie. Too bad Harlan freaked out on the movie exec and leaped across the table at him. hahaha. greatest story i've ever read (harlan attacking the movie exec).

His screenplay is pretty fantastic, too. I recommend it.
eddie thirteen
05:41 / 01.04.04
09:58 / 01.04.04
I think more screenwriters should try to kill the executives in charge of these things. Or maybe some kind of deathmatch system... I swear I can see the producers sitting around telling each other that kids want to see Will Smith have a wacky chimpazee sidekick.
04:51 / 02.04.04
Yeah I was pretty horrified when I saw this trailer. Man, Asimov's main reason for the Three Laws was to avoid cliched "robots rebel against their stupid human masters" plots like this. He subtly touched on that element really only in two stories. One involved an robot whose manufacture was botched producing one that dreamed and had dreams of being free - it was swiftly destroyed. The other story involved a robot with a stregthened survival protocall (necessary to keep the robots of its type from destroying themselves needlessly trying to save humans who were in no real danger) who tried to escape a space station (the only place they were being used and would have been destroyed upon completing their task), a QT model like the one in this travesty.
Grey Area
10:59 / 02.04.04

Asimov must be rotating in his grave. This is worse than Johnny Mnemonic. This is worse than LXG.

Tangent: The only movie version of an Asimov story I like is Bicentennial Man. Even though they took major liberties with the story elements, the main message was retained. Not like this travesty.
O.C Goodwin
08:10 / 03.04.04
yeah bicential man was alright
a bit soppy but the effects were kinda cool at the time and robin williams is a funny fucker
though you do enough coke and you 'll be instantly funny tho
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