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I need a stand-up comic!! Sharpish!!

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
13:06 / 31.03.04
Help, fellow Barbeloids!

My compadres and I have composed a charming wee ditty as a hymn to the humble pint. It's a cross of Vindaloo, The Great Escape and a James Bond soundtarck.

We had the inspired idea to get Al Murray (The Pub Landlord) to front it, and sent it to his agents. They love it so much, they are ripping us off! After initial excitement, they went incommunicado, and got back to me today to tell me 'Thanks, but we're doing our own'.

Charming game, this business of show.

So, in a desperate panic, we are looking for a hugely funny 'geezer' type routine, with a similar aesthetic as the Pub Landlord (ie a bit of a twat, but a funny, likeable twat...or not, whatever) to run a monologue over the finished track...should only take a few hours, no money unfortunately, but plenty of beer and negotiations on royalty splits.

If you know any stand-ups or just good pub characters, who would enjoy the crack, please let me know, PM, thread, whatever!!

Based in London / Kings X btw.


Scrambled Password Bogus Email
13:55 / 01.04.04
Come on, peeps, some of you regularly make me spew coffee all over my monitor. You guys crack me up. Don't be bashful!!
Grey Area
15:04 / 01.04.04
Is the routine already written, or do volunteers have to come up with their own? And can people record something at home and e-mail/post it over so you can mix it in?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:26 / 02.04.04
Anything goes. In the spirit of karma, we are keen to plunder the work of Mr. Murray and bootleg one of his routines over the track, but really anything goes. If you can record something and want to fly it over, I'll email an mp3 of the daft track, and feel free to write what you want on it.
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