This is a dangerous question to ask...and not only because I co-mod a New Gods board. 
But I think the mistakes nearly every 4th World writer make are:
1. Writing superhero stories, not mythology
2. Focusing on the Orion/Darkseid conflict, almost exclusively.
3. Not _changing_ anything (do you hear me, Mr. Byrne?)
The first thing I'd do is kill Darkseid off. Completely, utterly, and without any chance of resurrection. I get the feeling that Kirby had something similar in mind...nobody ever said that he was _necessary_ to the mythos. In fact, looking at classical myth, there's no such thing as a "god of evil"...even Loki was an ally of the Aesir until the end.
Then I'd take a really close look at the epics of the past, and start filing off serial numbers. The primary foci would be Campbell's "heroic quest" and the battles against the forces of disorder (aka the Jotun/Typhon/Set).
So my first pass would be something along the lines of a divine war, which started with the destruction of Apokalips (and it's ruler) by a draconic force beyond their control.
In retrospect, having Darkseid becoming forced to ally with Highfather for real (as opposed to alliances of convienence, where he plans on betrayal) would be an interesting twist...imagine him _so_ afraid that he begs for help.
Mix in some epic battles, personal heroism, romance, humor, wild science, wilder magic, and (after 12-24 issues) a triumphant ending, with various mortal allies becoming the first gods of the Fifth World (hopefully, in a better fashion than those silly New Guardians).
And then the Gods of the Fourth World would finally join the Source, never to return. Because, in my opinion, NOTHING beats a good ending. |