I'm confused.
First off, "Chaos Magick" eludes me as something someone ascribes to. It seems to me to be one of those things utterly undefinable things that emerges from a soak in postmodernism. With that in mind, I'll use Zen Memetic's definiton and spit from my Personal Worldview and Structure.
Someone mentioned the 7 Egyptian Souls, and though I didn't read much moe before I pushed the reply button, I have something built in my head that has seven layers and seven "souls".
It's based on worldviews and the chakra system, and while they're all essential parts, the part that's named "Soul" is the fourth among them.
First you've got Self -the awareness of individuality and personal momentary experience. Then you've got Ego -personal desires and drives. Then youv'e got Persona -the makeshift aspect that defines and defends you amongst peers. Then comes Soul -The awareness of the "I", not in the sense of individuality, but the sense that "I" is a series of choices along a timeflow. Then Spirit -the "idea" of you that exists in conceptual space amongst others. Then View -the alterred state that opens you up to rationality and passion of the entire system. Then Void -Bliss that annihilates any separation and "individuality", but acts through you.
Sense, Ego, Persona, Soul, Spirit, View and Void.
What I don't get is when hollywood or politicians make reference to a thing "stealing one's soul"... I completely cannot understand how that might work. I mean there are people who go through life without ever realizing their 4th soul, Soul, but once you DO get to see it, how could something take it away? Weird conceptual linguistic phraseology... |