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Memento Lite

Perfect Tommy
23:15 / 30.03.04
This is part of my spooky occult nonsense, but I want to save the Temple post for when I have some more results to report.

I've been drawing stuff on my body to try and remember it. It's been working great. However, I really don't want to make skin-diffused toxins part of my regular diet. So I wanna start using something other than Sharpie markers.

Temporary is good, so long as it doesn't smear off on everything in sight. Semi-temporary like henna is good too (though I keep thinking henna would probably be expensive and tedious). Tattooing is not so good 'cause I don't think I want, say, the definitions of various probability distributions forever on my arm, and that might be cheating.

(And if there's homeopathic memory-enhancing ink, lemme know about it...)
23:25 / 30.03.04
Try some of those Ultraviolet Pens, 'cause it would look funny in a night club. Or you could stick postits all over yourself.
23:26 / 30.03.04
Henna. Not good for extemporaneous notes, though, as I believe there is some prep time tinvolved.
beelzebub jones
23:27 / 30.03.04
what about bits of medical tape that you write on. i think they come in assorted colours which would allow you to colour code your bod mots. the ink won't touch your skin, they stay on pretty good thru a shower making them as semi-permanant or temporary as you'd like and you could write on them first and put them on the back of your neck or on your butt where i'm pretty sure you can't write notes now.
23:38 / 30.03.04
Does it have to be on your body? Can't you leave yourself Post-Its?

I highly recommend the teeny Polaroid iZone cameras, which produce little pictures on sticky film. They are brilliant.
Grey Area
07:09 / 31.03.04
Finger paint, like we used in preschool. Pretty colours. Water soluble. Fun.
08:39 / 31.03.04
I go through phases of becoming fond of writing words on myself also. I sometimes go for the sellotape and paper approach, which I prefer but don't really recommend, since it tends to float away when you bathe (or possibly sweat). Also, paper and sellotape is not quite as close to the skin as raw ink is, paper and sellotape is almost like wearing a t-shirt (with words on) inside out.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:40 / 31.03.04
Body-paints, dear boy! I'm afraid you're just going to have to brave the cosmetics counter. I had a bottle of some lovely stuff awile back; went on like black eyeliner, stayed on all day/night. The top surface washed off pretty eaisly but there was a readily visible blue line underneath for a couple of days.

There are also kiddie tattoo sets with special pens and stencils and whatnot. Try toy- and art-shops, see if you can find some like that.

Funny; I've been thinking along similar lines myself recently.
11:03 / 31.03.04
I use kids Crayola felt tips when I wanna do stuff like this. I've seen how much kids get them all over them, so its gotta be ok for me.

13:31 / 31.03.04
on like black eyeliner, stayed on all day/night.

Well, what about just eyeliner?
14:37 / 31.03.04
Crayola is your best friend. The basic, fat, kids markers. They say 'Non-Toxic' on them, so covering yourself in their strange, watery ink can't be bad for you, right? However, due to their water-soluble nature, they will smear all over everything you come in contact with, obscure all intricate design through the magic of your own filty perspiration, and saturate your pores, giving a multicoloured freckle effect. Have fun. Not to be taken internally.
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