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21:18 / 30.03.04
So, I'm sick at home, and I figured I'd try talking to people on the internet while I'm waiting to get better. Being new to internet communication, I'm a little curious to find out what kind of techniques folks use to kill time while waiting for replies. Do you post and then check back later that day or do you post on a whole bunch of threads and check for replies in between posts? What's your style?
22:39 / 30.03.04
Well, I frequently post in the late shift, forget that I posted, and wander off to take a shower, eat dinner or something, and then return to find that everyone I wanted to talk to has been and gone.

Not a very good technique, really.
23:42 / 30.03.04
I just go to different forums/sites and then come back here.
00:10 / 31.03.04
What did you do while you were waiting for someone to reply to this one?

So did we.
00:17 / 31.03.04
Man, I checked the thread like a hundred times in a couple of minutes. I found it to be like waiting for water to boil. Guess I'm having trouble adjusting my attention span to post time.
Alex's Grandma
01:09 / 31.03.04
What I usually do is carry on getting drunk, but if you're not feeling well this maybe isn't the best plan.

Strong opinions though, are what Barbelith needs - the more extreme your position on this or that subject, the more likely you are to get people posting back. I mean everyone really has the same broad, pretty liberal agenda deep down, as far as I can see, so it's ok I think to argue say in favour of the NRA, just for the sake of it, and more people should.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:21 / 31.03.04
ze's drunk. i wouldn't take hir advice.

me, I drink. er.... beer. or wine. or camomile/peppermint tea.

or i check (sssh) other fora/mail.

if all else fails, knitting.
Cat Chant
08:29 / 31.03.04
I am only allowed to post on barbelith if I'm supposed to be doing something else (similarly, I'm only allowed to watch TV if I'm sewing, apart from three shows which I'm allowed to actually watch). So while waiting for replies, I do the thing I'm supposed to be doing: usually writing cultural theory papers/slash.
08:34 / 31.03.04
I do some work. Sometimes.
Mourne Kransky
08:56 / 31.03.04
I look at myself in the mirror until I've scared myself.
10:49 / 31.03.04
I carve bars of soap into busts of Barbelites.
10:56 / 31.03.04
It all depends if I'm at work or not. If I'm at work, then actually working IS defined as "what I'm doing while waiting for replies on Barbelith".

If, however, it's today, I fuck off and buy a new mouse, cos my old one was dicking me around something chronic.
14:30 / 31.03.04
Usually I just stare at the thread for about an hour or so. Then, I push "Refresh".
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
15:01 / 31.03.04
Work mostly or download music and e-mail my friends. Quite often I sleep, eat, drink, go out, read, watch films, do air guitar solos, fight with sword and read some more, in fact a fairly large chunk of the spectrum of human activity often come in between posts but themn I don't post much. If you're ill I'd suggest reading.
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