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The Nightingale
20:56 / 29.03.04
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:45 / 29.03.04
Mmm, very nice. But it's generally considered good form to introduce yourself around a bit and say Hi before you invite us into your little rabbit-hole for tea and stickies. Otherwise people get a bit shirty and start posting pictures of a certain tinned meat product to your threads, or using your thread to speculate on who would win a fight out of a wren and a frog.
solid white in water
22:11 / 29.03.04
I think it would be a Royce Gracie vs. Mike Tyson sort of brawl...if they are upright, it is the wren by knockout in the first round, but if the fight goes to the ground, the frog will pull a submission hold and get a tapout victory.
23:20 / 29.03.04
What sort of frog?

I think the only frog a wren could take would be one of those very small tree frogs, and that would end up with the wren, having pecked its adversary to death, dying soon afterwards from the effects of the poison, possibly keeling over on top of the frog's body with a final little flutter. And that would be terribly sad.
Perfect Tommy
07:08 / 30.03.04
The frog has more natural ability. If you took any random frog and any random wren it is frog, tongues-down. But a properly trained attack wren would have divebombing capability and would be nigh unstoppable once its tiny hood was removed and it was thrown aloft from its trainer's leather fingercuff.
07:33 / 30.03.04
Ah, the age-old wren/frog dilemma. I've seen families torn apart over this particular issue, and it just never seems to be resolved.

Personally, I'm with the frog. His deep, rumbling animosity, festering for years in his amphibian soul, can SO kick the ass of the wren's chirpy-chirpy-cheep-cheep moves, agile though they may be.
08:44 / 30.03.04
Is that URL the only thing of worth you feel compelled to contribute to the world, Nighty? Do you, for example, begin every conversation wiht a mention of your site? Do you have the URL written on your shoes, along with L and R?

I suggest that first posts to Barbelith containing a link to somebody's pet website are henceforth moderated to a lovely picture of some spam. Or a baby platypus.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:04 / 30.03.04
Oooh! Platypus! So much nicer than branded luncheon-meat. Lovely lovey platypus, newly hatched from its delicate ivory shell and snuzzling up to Mummy platypus for a sip of creamy platypus milk! Yaaaay!

We should so start doing that. Rhyming summaries and pictures of platypusses. (Platypi?)
12:38 / 30.03.04
Has anyone ever seen a real live platypus? Are they bigger or smaller than one might expect?
12:40 / 30.03.04
Okay, platypus DO rule.

But we're drifting off the point here.

Aren't we?


(frog! frog!)
Grey Area
12:46 / 30.03.04
"At maturity, male platypus measure on average 50 centimetres in total body length (bill tip to tail tip). They typically weigh 1.2-2.6 kilograms, although the heaviest platypus yet recorded (captured in Tasmania) tipped the scales at 3 kilograms. Adult females are smaller, measuring an average 43 centimetres in total body length and weighing 0.7-1.6 kilograms."
Spatula Clarke
12:47 / 30.03.04
Surely that depends on how big one expects them to be in the first place?

Here is a picture of a platypu (silly Mordant, everybody knows that an 's' on the end means 'many') for which to judge size with:

Back on a wren/frog tip for a second, may I ask precisely what the fuck are you lot on? We have heard of beaks, yes? One well-placed pronging and any frog is going to burst like a balloon filled with sticky frog guts.
Abigail Blue
12:57 / 30.03.04
Eeeeeeeeew! That was really graphic.
Bed Head
13:20 / 30.03.04
Ah, but what if it’s one of those ultra-lethal poison tree frogs? The wren would probably die before the frog has finished twitching, thus handing it victory, I think. Get real, Dupre.
13:33 / 30.03.04
as legs akimbo said - if the frog know the Gracie style, then all bets are off. Jeeez. [heavy brasilian accent]" ... put him in the clinch. Take him to the floor. go for the choke...."

The Nightingale... why why why?
14:05 / 30.03.04
It's easy, really. The adult platypus is platypus-sized. The baby platypus is *tiny*.

14:05 / 30.03.04
Wren vs. Frog

Wren fights frog? Wren loses.

Frog has flippers, a knife, and probably some plastic explosive:

Wren has stylish uniform and maybe a sidearm:

Of course, if WREN and frogman fight, then there is only one winner: the AXIS!
Baz Auckland
14:51 / 30.03.04




Didn't Wren have super-strength? He would probably win...
Spatula Clarke
15:02 / 30.03.04
I didn't know Brian May built matchstick sculptures.
12:59 / 31.03.04
You old timers have scared another newbie off!
13:10 / 31.03.04
So does anyone know the location of the picture on the original site? Shouldn't we all turn up at 17:00 tonight? Is it a party? Is it the secret Grant Morrison chat I've been hearing about?
13:55 / 31.03.04
maybe it is Bear, but I've a feeling it's not. And what 5pm does it refer to anyway? BST, GMT etc.
14:33 / 31.03.04
Some people here seem to have gone to some effort to track down what this means.

However, given that teaser stuff like this was basically wank even before it was to death, I think we should talk about platypi. Or platypus. Or, whatever. So it's about the size of a cat, but it's lighter? Strange. I wonder why that is. I mean, it would float anyway, and it's not a bird, so doesn't need to have light bones.
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