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What's your Elf name? Find out here!

12:08 / 29.03.04
Find out your Elf name with this convertor, it's done using Quenya by Tolkien i think. It's amazing but i don't wanna post my converted name here incase someone's a Quenya whizz and finds it out. I might do soon........

I saw it at another forum and had to share it because i know that some of you want to know your Elf name. Oh yeah and you can find out your Hobbit name aswell!

Elf name convertor
rizla mission
13:16 / 29.03.04
Hell with that, I want to know my Dwarf name.
13:56 / 29.03.04
That's a good idea, you should post to the person who made it and ask him to do it.

If your really, really bothered that is.
Grey Area
14:27 / 29.03.04
How about using ficsuit names?
Grey Area gives me: Elerossë Tinúviel
14:32 / 29.03.04
Yeah nice idea!

Mine's Hour Tasartir.

Actually after reading up on how this was done, i don't think that it's done to the letter, it's done by matching first and last letters, so..........nah i'm gonna have to read that again to make sure..........
14:36 / 29.03.04
Here's what the FAQ says :

Compared to some of the other name generators out there, the algorithm is simple. It takes the first and last letter of each name then, based on a character set, expresses those letters as a two-digit key which maps to the index of a particular Hobbit name.

So i can post my name, if i'm wrong i don't really care anyway, it's Eöl Ar-Feiniel.

This is really strange because in the past life thread i suggested that maybe a was a member of the Fenians in Ireland.


At least i think i said that.
Kit-Cat Club
14:40 / 29.03.04
Dude, you say 'synchronicity', like, all the time...
14:43 / 29.03.04
Huor Aldaríon.. nice..
Phex: Dorset Doom
15:35 / 29.03.04
Haldamir Lossëhelin, or Golradir Ancalimë if I use my full name, Phex Calrisian-Barakas
16:24 / 29.03.04
Dude, you say 'synchronicity', like, all the time...

Yeah i know, because it happens to me all the time and it's better than saying coincidence. Maybe i should use them both for you?

Gimme your damn elf name, never mind sychronicity! I'm gonna get it for you..........Aranel Meneldur is kit-kat clubs elf name.
Lazlo Woodbine [some call me Laz]
16:28 / 29.03.04
Sorry but my adventures in the world of a ninteen forties american private detective just wouldn't be the same if it were...

The case of the stolen namesake, a Finwë Séregon thriller

now would it?
16:29 / 29.03.04
Flora Bramble of Willowbottom -- I don't know about that one, but I like the sound of Nindë Palantír. Ficsuit name = Anaranë of Nargothrond.
Whisky Priestess
16:33 / 29.03.04
Linwë Vanimedlë
That's me!
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