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On 'Your Party' and internet-enabled politics

Tom Coates
10:39 / 28.03.04
So it's been in the press a little recently, but I only heard about it because a friend of a friend turns out to be running it. It's called YourParty and the basic premise, as I understand it, is that the turnout in the European elections is so low that it's possible to get a group of people online, decide on policies as a collective, nominate someone and actually have a pretty good chance of getting them elected. Here's a chunk of their 'about page' for clarity's sake:

Its an online political party where you set the policies; where you choose the candidates; and where you decide how our representatives vote.

Its a party which starts with no bias about the best way forward in the future, but seeks to find common ground between citizens from all political persuasions. Your Party is not in opposition to any other party. It is a new platform for engagement, working in co-operation with any other organisation that wants to take part.

We want to make full use of the Internet to create a new way for people to engage in the decision-making process – a way that allows full participation at every level on an issue-by-issue basis. Taking part will be simple and anyone can join in – you’ll be able to go online at any time and take a full part in the process of leading and participating in the party.

Now first things first, I'd be interested in people's opinions - is this the kind of thing you can imagine yourself getting into, what kind of feedback mechanisms would you want in place between you and you and your representative and whether you think this kind of organisational structure has a future?
10:35 / 29.03.04
Mr Tom, are you proposing the Barbelith party? I realise I'm reading between the lines, but...

Given the accelerating rate of developments in the field of civic involvement via non-traditional channels, it's likely that this is the first iteration of the future model for political organisation. It should never take the place of more traditional, local issue-based politics, but it presents a platform for national and international issues that doesn't exist at the moment.

The problem is (isn't there always a problem?) going to be accountability and transparency mechanisms. Although the internet is a nice big open platform, what mechanisms could be put in place to ensure that a BNP candidate couldn't get in on a YourParty ticket, simply by faking his/her personal presentation?
18:36 / 01.04.04
I`m a little worried about multiple `suits` in the my party environ.
It`s easy to pick up a few store cards and email addresses to create several identities that pass the current efforts at data mining.
What stops a pressure group from generating multiple suits?
I`m aware that my party has questioned it`s members about what steps they would take to identify themselves.

I`m willing to participate in a democratic online pressure group. I`m not willing to give real details to complete strangers. Catch 22.
Also I have no idea what security these people have. I may be paranoid...but I read too much.
It`s a very interesting experiment. I`ll participate and poke holes in equal measures. I hope it works...just don`t think it will.
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