Okay, I'm posting in Magick rather than Music I know, but please bear with me on this...
I'm looking for a music video I saw once about two years ago. I'm certain it was by Tool, who seem to be fond of the Occult, to say the least. I remember it being mostly CGI images of kabbalistic bodies of light, with chakras activating and auric equivalents to magnetic fields, circulating around the figure, and by the end had multiplied into dozens then infinite other bodies of light, all with their own auric fields circulating.
Now maybe being extremely stoned at the time I watched it is a factor, but all I can say is this video left me with the impression that my skull had been painlessly opened up with a laser beam and a multitude of exquisite jewels left deposited upon my brain.
The Individual as the Microcosm, filtering experience as part of the Collective, single cells of the whole, evolving their own universe while the same process goes on across the multiverse... nothing new I know, but it was nice to see, all the same.
Please tell me this video exists here in this existence, and wasn't just a signal from one of my parallel selves showing me just how sweet they had it in their universe? And if you know the name of the song I'm looking for, i'd be grateful to know that too 
More broadly, what other music videos have you seen that you would recommend as interesting viewing experiences from a magickal perspective? |