Hi, I'm kinda new to this forum..I was always interested in Magick, but until some months ago all I knew about/read was some of Crowley's works and some rituals which were too confusing and I couldn't see the psychological/spiritual explanation for them. Thanks to reading the Invisibles (who of you hasn't??) I started reading about Chaos Magick, and it seems like what I have been looking all my life..a way to trascend Nihilism, to find the power within yourself without having to put on ceremonial robes and forge your own magical weapons...
Now, the purpose of this post is that I've been doing some meditation exercises based on Carroll's Liber MMM, which I found very similar (in function, not in form)to zazen exercises in Zen Buddhism, which I had tried to a certain extent. I've only been doing this for 3 or 4 days, but I already got some amazing results. Since I've been working alone, Idon't know if the things I write in my magic journal are shit, or if I'm on to something, but I'm finding it increasingly easier to reach that "not thinking" phase, I don't know if that is the same as gnosis, or an altered state of conciousness, but it sure as hell isn't a normal state of conciousness. The weird thing is that I thought it would take me longer to reach even a small lapse of "not thinking", but I'm getting better at it really fast.
The main reason for posting this is because last night I was doing my meditation exercise and I reached that same state of conciousness by focusing on my breathing. I felt like a part of my brain was numb or asleep, but at the same time liberated. I thought "this is it, I've reached a fucking ASC" but I didn't know what to do then. My previous forays into that state had been shorter, and I wasn't fully "concious" of my state. So I didn't know what to do or think, I had some sigils prepared but they were on a table behind me and I didn't want to break my concentration. So I tried to remember what one of those sigils was like, and visualize it in my mind's eye. But I couldn't quite remember it and it started shifting. I started to see weird things, shadows of Lovecraftian entities (that's the way I rationalize the weird things I saw). They were coming and going faster and faster, until I decided to interrupt my exercise because my breathing had gotten heavier, my heart rate faster and I was starting to sweat. I opened my eyes, and barely 14 minutes had passed since I had started the exercise. Never before had it taken me so little time to reach that state, and certainly not as intensely...I tried the exercise again, but the results were not as impressive.
Sorry if I'm boring you, but I'm trying to find out what was that I saw in my mind last night..if it was a subconcious effort to destroy my concentration or if it was something else. Anyway, those fuckers aren't gonna beat me, I'll keep doing it till I get the knack of it. I was wondering if maybe I should do a banishing ritual next time, to prevent those "attacks" but I've never done one, since at this point, where I'm only practicing my basic skills, it didn't seem necessary.
If you have any suggestions, please help this up-and-coming magician 
thanks already, fellow lithers. |