Not quite the same thing, but I had a similar moment just now, if you'll indulge me.
Walking home past the 5star hotel next to Bengali Mansions, there was a woman waiting for a cab.
Definitely about the same age as me, but groomed/suited/booted, with expensive luggage and a couple of laptops. Me, in my usual jeans/mens' jacket scruff, excited coz I'd spent £10 on good food.
Had a sudden realisation that this could easily have been me, (as in a past life i started audit training with a firm of city accountants). V.odd. Not bad, but odd.
anyway, back on topic.
Hmmm. Not sure where I expected to be, but it certainly wasn't here. 'Here' being location, joblessness, lack of professional qualifications, slackerness. (none of which are bad, either, which is something you could never have convinced me of 10 years ago.)
I love where I am right now, but I think quite alot of it is temporary, subject to change. Alot of what I'm happiest with has happened by randomness, and can quite imagine things having turned out differently. Just not sure how.
Is that vague enough? 
actually, at times I think expected to be alot less settled/grounded, I think I have pictured/expected myself to be a have-rucksack-will-travel type, hardly ever in the country, swathed in Rohan. Which I can imagine doing, and enjoying, but hasn't come to pass. |