Privatised anything, in terms of " essential services, " ie prisons, hospitals, security, etc = Something the government wants to be one step removed from when the system fucks up, mainly, it seems, so our poor beleagured pols can't be held directly responsible.
In which case:
First of all, whatever happened to " The buck stops here, " all that stentorian post-WW2 rhetoric the likes of B****, B*** and so on, and no doubt their successors, seem to trot out whenever, for example, they feel a war's about right.
While at no point accepting that if they've made, well some tactical errors, however well-intentioned their ideas might have been, they've made a bad call, whatever, coming up to the plate, and so ought to RESIGN.
Secondly, if all this stuff is part of the private sector now, why isn't everyone paying far less taxes ? Otherwise, surely, if we as citizens have to foot the bill, then it isn't really privatised, is it ?
Thirdly, yeah, I feel sick as well.
In a civilised society, there are certain inalienable parts of the public services that cannot be run for profit, which by definition is the inevitable result of involving the private sector - well they wouldn't DO IT otherwise, would they, they've got accountants, shareholders, tax write-offs to think about, if there's not a percentage, why, in all conscience, would they actually bother ?
So with the prison system, for example, the minute you're running that for a profit... well as with a private company building a hotel, you've got a vested interest in keeping it full. Simple business good sense. So as with a meat plant, you keep the pens working - If you can get a bunch of good old boys in there to stir up the hippies, and the niggers, etc. well so much the better. You get to beat them up, jail them, AND make a profit.
How cool is that ? |