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Tell me all you know about this "Bill Murray" fella

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
16:11 / 19.03.04
I've got mono, which means I can't work for a few weeks as it is highly contagious and I work in the food service industry. I feel fine. Really, if it weren't for the fact that I can't smoke I wouldn't even know that I still have it. But since I can't go to work I'm left with quite a bit of time on my hands. And since I can't smoke dope (every time I do, my throat burns like none of your business) I'm very, very bored during most of this time.

So I decided to kill the time watching Bill Murray movies. I've always been a fan, but really only because he's been in movies for as long as I've been watching them. I didn't notice until recently how freakin' awesome he really is. And I'm not just talking about how funny the guy is. There's something else...some other quality that makes him so awesome. He kinda reminds me of Joel from Mystery Science Theater the way his eyes always look so sad. It distracts me. I can't put my finger on why he's so damn great.

So what I need from you, Barbelith, is not only theories on why Bill Murray rules but also reccomendations. I just did an online research and holy shit has this guy been around. So let's avoid movies like Kingpins, which have him in it (and he's great, as you would expect) but not for very long. I don't want to watch forty-five minutes of movie waiting for Murray to make an appearance. know what, fuck it. I've got weeks to waste. I probably won't be able to go to Tokyo in a couple of weeks. I'll need cheering. If the movie is half decent, and Murray is in it, tell me.

Movies I've recently seen:

Lost in Translation (awesome. I'll probably see it again)
The Man Who Knew Too Little
Groundhog Day

Movies that I'm going to rent:

Quick Change
What About Bob
The Royal Tenebaums
Mad Dog and Glory

So help a sick man discover the secret behind Bill Murray.
Saint Keggers
18:33 / 19.03.04 must see it.
Rev. Orr
20:12 / 19.03.04
For a slightly different take on the collossus of duditude that is B. Murray Esq. try either of the following:

'Cradle Will Rock' - admittedly a supporting role, but worth it for quality and for being the epitome of his hangdog work in 'straight' acting prior to LiT.

'The Razor's Edge' - if only because he hasn't been given the chance to do anything like this again.

If you don't mind smaller roles once you've watched all the others, then he is also one of the better things about the 2000 'Hamlet' as Polonius, a cameo of genius in 'Little Shop of Horrors' and the very essence of Murritude in 'Tootsie'.

However, avoid 'Larger than Life' as if your immortal soul depended upon it (it very well might).
20:31 / 19.03.04
"It's true, this man has no dick."

Best line ever.

Bill Murrary in Ghostbusters is just phenomenally hilarious, I can practically recite every line in the film, and I'm still laughing at everything he does.
20:42 / 19.03.04
Mono. That's what we call glandular fever over here, right?
21:06 / 19.03.04
He must be loved, revered, because he's perfected (in his most Bill-ness) an idiosyncratic brand of absolutely deadpan humor, which I believe can be described, badly, as 'we know he's kidding and he knows we know he's kidding but he doesn't show, at all, that he knows we know he's kidding so we're not all that sure that he's kidding.'

Even when he's serious, because he's almost always serious, you *anticipate* the humor. That's not easy to induce in a country (and world) of viewers--but he's done it.

And sorry about the mono--had an 11-month case of it myself. Enjoy your movies.

Of the movies I've seen, in levels of Bill-a-tude:

Stripes, def.
Ghostbusters and GBII, def.

The Royal Tenenbaums-memorable

Mad Dog and Glory--an even split between him and De Niro.
03:10 / 20.03.04
I've never seen more than a few Bill Murray films and am no big fan but I'm hard pressed to find a more likable character he plays brilliantly in Rushmore.
To me that is the quintessential Bill Murray film.

He doesn't have a lot of screen time in Royal Tenenbaums but the film for Bill Murray or otherwise is essential viewing if you're into that sort of thing.
Pan Paniscus
10:00 / 20.03.04
I second/third/whatever the nominations for Caddyshack and Rushmore. If you run out of films with maximimum Bill, and still want more, he's got good cameos in Ed Wood & Wild Things (which are both fun movies in their own right, too).

However, the key to BM's godlike genius is, for me, contained in a scene from Tootsie. Murray & Dustin Hoffman are walking down the street, Hoffman complaining about having to dress like a woman and generally giving it his Method Acting schtick. Murray does two things in that scene, and two things only: says his lines, and eats a stick of celery. And his acting blows Hoffman's out of the water.

I think 7oak's on the right lines. Half of BM's charm for me is the balance between his enormously world-weary and enormously silly sides. It's like everything in the world kinda pisses him off, but he finds it all funny at the same time. That and a magesterial screen presence. But, yeah, in the end it probably all comes down to those wonderfully sad eyes.

I heard he once got busted crossing a border with 16 pounds of marijuana in his suitcase. He claimed it was for personal use, which a) I can believe, and b) may also explain a lot.

If you can, it's worth checking out his old SNL stuff, some of that's pretty good.

Orr - "colossus of duditude" sums him up perfectly.

Has anyone seen Where The Buffalo Roam, which I think is an adaptation of Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (BM plays HST)? Is it any good?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:08 / 21.03.04
You have to watch him on SNL, especially doing the Weekend Update, where he honed his comic personna. But the bit that won me over was VERY early on at SNL when they did a bit with him just talking to the camera, telling us that he wasn't doing as well as he thought he could, and that he was tired of being compared to Chevy Chase...breaking the forth wall, yet not, that's why I love him.

In Ghostbusters his character took nothing seriously, making it possible for everyone else around him to take it VERY seriously, was the only reason that movie succeeded. His work in Stripes was also a lot of fun, and still makes me smile every time I see it.

Scrooged is also a VERY underrated movie, both for his acting and the fuckingly brilliant script by the VERY incredible Michael O'Donoghue. The two of them could wring laughs out of the darkest material with so little effort, you think anyone can do it.
05:01 / 22.03.04
Quick Change is extremely under-rated. Also, it's Murray's one stab at directing, and he comes off fairly well in it.

Has anyone heard anything good about 'The Life Aquatic' or *sigh* 'Garfield'.. I know I'm going to hate myself when I pay money to see that film.
03:30 / 23.03.04
I have "Where the Buffalo Roam" on Beta and it's great! I think it's better than "Fear and Loaving in Las Vegas" in understanding Hunter Thompson. I guess he carried this persona while filming SNL and pissed offed the other cast members. (until the film flopped at the box office, LIKE THEY KNOW). GET IT!!
03:50 / 23.03.04
"Where the Buffalo Roam" was good, quite a bit more low key than FALILV. But not an adaption, more of a little snippet/bio of Hunter S Thompson.
Brigade du jour
19:44 / 24.03.04
I can only tell you what I like about Bill, dude, and that's that he is always the best thing in every film he's in, with the notable exception of Royal Tenenbaums, because that is a wonderful movie and frankly I keep forgetting he's in it.

I like it that he seems to know exactly what makes him funny and watchable, and therefore he probably pisses off a lot of directors by wanting to change the script/his character/the whole film. This would normally be diva-like behaviour akin to J-Lo or someone else of far lesser talent, but with Bill I think it's usually to the improvement of the movie as a whole, and it certainly makes him look better. For example, I can really believe Frank Oz' assertion that he improvised his entire scene in Little Shop Of Horrors with Steve Martin, who spent the whole time looking bemused and not being able to keep up. This is what made the scene work, though, because Steve's playing a sadist who's clearly never come across a masochist (Bill) before, and he's supposed to look bemused and not be able to keep up.

But the thing I really like about Bill Murray is that he genuinely doesn't seem to give a fuck. He's in movies to make a living and enjoy his life outside (VERY outside) Hollywood and all its attendant gladhanding and politics. At least that's the impression I've always got, compounded by recent interviews and publicity stuff I've read as a result of Lost In Translation. I really hope, incidentally, that he makes more films with Sofia Coppola. She really seems to understand how to use him in a movie.

Oh, and the PS reason - he once picked a fight with Chevy Chase for being an arrogant prick on SNL. Shame it was off-camera.
Whisky Priestess
08:30 / 25.03.04
Didn't someone in the LOst in Translation or Oscars thread accuse him of having just joined the Californian far right? If this is true I shall cry, as I always do when favourite actors of mine turn out to be twarts.

(Cf finding out that Giles from Buffy was into crystals and herbal tea and second lives blah blah *in real life*. I mean, it's OK within the realms of a magic universe on TV, but crystals? Seriously? Don't be such a fucking actor ...)
Jack The Bodiless
11:07 / 25.03.04
Whisky, you do know we have a magic forum here, right?
Phex: Dorset Doom
11:13 / 25.03.04
Whiskey: The far-right thing comes from a review of Lost In Translation on, where the reviewer says: Murray is as charming and witty as one could possibly expect considering he just joined the California Neo-Nazi movement. Yeah, how you like the film now? I don't know how serious the reviewer is being, it is included in a scathing review of the film. Does anyone have more information on this?
at the scarwash
02:09 / 27.03.04
One of my very favorite Bill Murray roles is as Bunny Breckinridge in Ed Wood. Wonderful work there.
Brigade du jour
20:04 / 27.03.04
"Great, now let's hear him call Boris Karloff a cocksucker."
eric minutes
13:57 / 28.03.04
Ed Wood rocks!!! I gotta add, I saw Stripes the other day on tv and man,,,,funny movie."There's someting wrong with us,there's something very,very wrong with us"
Whisky Priestess
15:22 / 28.03.04
Jack - eek, sorry. Didn't mean to offend but I am totally unclear on what does and doesn't constitute magic(k). Are crystals involved? Please don't hex me.
Keith, like a scientist
16:30 / 28.03.04
Quick Change is one of my all time favorites for some's just so bizarre in places. I had no idea Bill directed it, too. That makes it even more interesting.

Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums - Totally brilliant, understated roles of his.

Ghostbusters - All time best performances, for sure.

Scrooged is a tour de force...yeah, it is. He goes through so many different personalities, you see him at this worst, his best, his most romantic, his utter despair, and in his most pathetic.
Keith, like a scientist
16:33 / 28.03.04
for the person who asked about "the life aquatic," that's the next Wes Anderson movie (tenenbaums, rushmore, bottle rocket), and bill is a TV show host of a strange underwater exploration show... apparently it will have all old school stop-motion animation for the effects. The usual Anderson movie suspects are in it.
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