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Tulpa Creation Through RPG Hypersigil

23:18 / 17.03.04
I just posted an idea I've been floating over at to see if I can drum up any talk. I follow here with the same proposal for an experiment I've been cooking notes on.

My idea is simple: I want to attempt tulpa creation through an RPG hypersigil. My initial thoughts would have two 'cells' working the problem: one group of pen-and-paper intimates working face-to-face in a conventional system (perhaps Nobilis); a second, looser online group, of inspecific number and membership, likely mediated by wiki, post board or both, and using one of the less conventional systems (The Pool, of Forge fame, ranks high on my list...I imagine I would supplement or parallel this with a run of the game Lexicon to build detail and richness).

Any interest here? I know this isn't seminal, and I browsed other people's RPG hypersigils and tulpa talk, but haven't seen the convergence thereof. I'm convinced that an array of sophisticated RPG techniques may be being overlooked. Of course, I'm receptive to suggestions and pointers as well and encourage anyone who's interested in getting in on this: every qualified willworker, amateur and old-black-hat is welcome.
23:54 / 17.03.04
Hi. What's a tulpa? excuse my ignorance or lack or jargon.

The hypersigil RPG was a great thing for a while, then it lost momentum. Although I'd regard what happend as succesful as far is it went. The working I was enacting through it did work. Eventually.

If anyone wants to go and read what happend it's still online at - you can read it, or even continue the story if you feel like it.

If anyone wants to do it over I would suggest every "player" took two characters, representing pro and con forces of the working they were, personally, engaged in. They could keep secret which were which if they chose. This would allow more expression of both positive and negative sides to the story. It would allow the story to follow both sides more, not just the 'heros'.

The danger is giving the undesired forms too much energy. The intention should be to give them form to kill or defeat them.

I'm happy to provide a clone of the existing wiki and support to a project, although I would not have as much time to take part as last time. You really need a ring leader to make sure things are at least given an initial structure. The leader should be willing to also sit back and let the community build itself when it reaches the point that enforced structure is no longer needed.

I don't think an RPG wiki is likely to have a satisfacotry ending. But since when did real life often have one of those either?
08:27 / 18.03.04
I think tulpa is the same as a servitor..
08:34 / 18.03.04
A tulpa is allegedly a Tibetan term for a thought form. I say allegedly because recent research has shown that the term was probably made up by Alexander David-Neel, one of the first Westerners to take an interest in the religon of Tibet. Anothe example of weirdo cultural appropriation in action, mapping our own ideas onto other folks religon.
10:47 / 18.03.04
Yeah, you could say "tulpa" was "thought-form", or "servitor", or (the perennially irritating) "shoggoth"; the connotations I meant to evoke are best technicaly captured by the old "Philip" experiments from the 1970's (Toronto Society for Psychical Research or somesuch). That is, I want to create an objectively observable free-range entity, preferably accompanied by autonomous psychokinetics i.e. poltergeist phenomena. I want to make a ghost...or better still, a god. The key here is the independent nature of the being. Reviewing the "Philip" experiments over the past few years has given me a strong intuition of how much more powerfully RPG work could amplify the energy in play. Anyway, thanks for the offer of the wiki, elsewhere...I may take you up on that yet...
elmo oxygen
12:28 / 19.03.04
Mmmm... free-range tulpa. (drool)
23:46 / 09.09.04
Hi everyone.

There's another thread on Barbelith that I started, that discusses tulpas. I just wanted to invite those who are interested to join a group of 22 people currently located at ( registration is free). We are creating a Web-based tulpa.

Many of our discussions get deeply involved with the mechanics of magick and the occult. We have some talented people helping us out, and expect many more.

That's all for now. I'd get involved in a discussion beyond this here, but I prefer to collect all documentation for this project in one location, online.


trouser the trouserian
08:12 / 10.09.04
Some links which may be of interest here:

Info on the "Humphrey Experiment" ('follow-up' to original "philip" expt) here

Psychokinesis and Contact with an Artificial Spirit: A Replication of the Philip Phenomena

and discussion of "philip" experiments also in:
Psychiatric Interpretations of Subjective Paranormal Perception

Another source worth chasing up for those interested is Alan Richardson's biography of Dion Fortune - Priestess. In one of the latter chapters, Richardson discusses the "Inner Planes Contacts" which Fortune and her colleagues claimed to be in communication with. In particular, he discusses one of the "contacts" - David Carsons, an infantry officer killed in the first World War. Based on the biographical details of Carsons found in Fortune's papers, Richardson attempted to trace this person and came to the conclusion that 'he' did not exist.

There's also some intriguing cross-overs between UFO flaps, psychic questing, and spiritualst medium experiences, at least in terms of how those involved in 'paranormal events' interpret occurrences, draw meaning from events, and perhaps through so doing, contribute to the event itself. Back when I worked for Psychic News I had an interesting discussion one time with one of the journalists who'd been present at a mediumship circle where various personalities who had 'crossed over to the other side' were being paraded before the sitters (materialisation mediums are quite rare nowadays, apparently). The journalist was quite impressed with the whole event, but later realised that one of the "spirits" - an actor, wasn't actually dead at the time of the sitting, which led him to question the veracity of the whole experience. My observation at the time, was that whilst individuals' expectations around an event may well contribute to its unfolding, they are not necessarily the most accurate 'explanations' of what's actually going on.

In the 1990s I was involved with a small group of magicians who 'created' an egregore and then tried to make contact with it using a variety of methods, such as a planchette, the time-honoured seance method, etc. The results, as I recall, were inconclusive.

I'd certainly be up for an experiment along these lines, but why do it over the internet? A small group setting (as in the original experiments) would be ideal.

Any London-based 'Lithers up for this?
17:42 / 12.09.04
Damn, I'm sorry I live a third of the world away...

Have fun.... and if you do decide to do this online, count me in!
Perfect Tommy
09:48 / 14.09.04
I participated in (am participating in?) the aforementioned wiki RPG, and enjoyed it greatly. I'd love to be involved in this one, and/or throw my theories about the most useful bits at you if you like.
Perfect Tommy
09:49 / 14.09.04
...oh, except that I've never even heard of the game systems you mention for online (I've heard of, but know nothing about, Nobilis).
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