Don't you mean Muggles?
Actually, I prefer "flatscans" or the possibly more diplomatic "neurotypicals". 
Seriously, people, is this really the place for a magickal ethics lesson? There seems to be a vaguely chiding tone in some of these posts, an odor of 'whiter-robes-than-thou'; Biscuits asked a question, and the answer is: "Yes, invading dreams is possible." Nevermind that it's easy, fun and totally f**king wrong. ('course, back in the day I did much, much worse with magick... but I was young and foolish then. Now I'm old, remorseful and metaphysically timid.)
However, I am piqued by the consensual idea. Any ideas on how two 'workers might go about coordinating their efforts to psychically rendezvous? |