That's fine. Criticism, however, is not about trying to browbeat other people into liking your story. Like Jack said, that's not a chance you'll have when you send your story out. You said your peace when you wrote the story. This is about getting people's reactions, which can't be right or wrong. They just are what they are. It's not personal. If it becomes personal -- if people read your work and make assumptions about you, as a human being, because of it (this has happened to me) -- then, by all means, you should react. But if someone's just reading your story, *at your request,* then it behooves you to say thanks for their effort (not necessarily for what they say) and move on. When you contest the validity of the opinion that you asked for, you are not displaying the respect that person showed they had for you when they gave you a truthful response to your work. This is not your chance to show other people how to write. It's your chance, if you're interested, in getting feedback from others that may be useful in your own writing. Because I know you aren't interested in that, I'm not gonna bother. I hope, though, that you treat anybody who does with more respect than you showed me and others who were only trying to help -- because you asked for help -- in the past. |