from the above page/777
Kether----Thaumiel----Twins of God----(TAVM, tom - a twin)
Chokmah---Ogiel-------Hinderers------(? OVG - to draw a circle)
Binah-----Satariel----Concealers-----(STR, satar- to hide, conceal)
Chesed----Gash'khalah-Breakers in Pieces-(GASh Ga'ash - shake, quake
KLH, khalah - complete destruction, annihilation)
Gevurah---Golachab----Flaming Ones---(unclear)
Tipheret--Tagiriron---Litigation--(probably from GVR, goor - quarrel)
Netzach---Orev Zarak--Raven of Dispersion-(ARV, orev - raven
ZRQ, zaraq - scatter)
Hod-------Samael------False Accuser----(SMM, samam - poison)
Yesod-----Gamaliel----Obscene Ass----(GML, gamal - camel? alt. ripen?)
Malkut----Lilith------Woman of the Night----(Leilah - Night)
I worked extensively with the Qlippoth and the Nightside of the Tree several years ago. NOT RECOMMMENDED. If you lie down with these dogs, expect ultraterrestrial fleas. It cost me my child. Honest. |