An AIFF is just a higher quality audio file (like WAV files), but it takes up about 10 times the space of an mp3. Shit (or semi-shit) quality, well I don't wanna say it should be expected, because that's just nihilistic, but I've never gotten great quality recordings from dubbing records. I guess you have to see all the hiss and popping as an aesthetic to really enjoy it. OR, you could just say that to people, then when you're alone, quietly weep and punch yourself in the genitals for being such a fool.
Or not. I'm just spittin' out suggestions here.
Also remember (very important!!): When you're recording into whatever program yer using, keep an eye on the level meters (graphical scales, usually colored green/yellow/red with dB markers along the side). You want to keep the average level at about -12dB, or the green/yellow zone. Whatever you do, don't let the audio peak into the red too much, as this will create digital distortion, which is similar to the sound of the gates of Hell being opened from your beloved desktop. |