Those of you who know me can guess who was responsible for setting this off, but I have developed an obsession with Lush. Part of it is the way the range of varieties of products calls out to the geek in me - gotta catch 'em all!
The Bath Ballistics were the first things to get my attention, just cuz of the way they fizz and propel themselves around the bath - I have fallen in love with the Big Blue, which turns your water an amazing colour and leaves the bathroom, the towels and your skin smelling of the sea in the best possible way.
The other big selling point is just how tasty all their products look and smell. In particular, I cannot believe that the Ma Bar is not edible - it smells like food, like chocolate and toffee - and even though I know it's bubble bath, the temptation to take a bite is unspeakable:

(Props to missy from this very board on whose journal I first saw a picture of this wondrous item.)
And the soap! Huge slabs of the stuff, amazing colours and textures, so rough-hewn and chunky and rock. You get ones with weird bits of grassy moss or seaweed growing on them and they cut you off a chunk and wrap it up in crispy paper, like it was cheese or fudge...
So, anymore Lush boys or girls in here? |