Since we're in a mood to fool around, I want to talk about something that's been on my mind, namely a poster calling hirself "I am a celebrity, cut off my face and wear it as a mask".
Aren't you dying to know?
I'm sure, if you're like me, you've heard the toneless voice of consensual reality whispering that "I am a celebrity, cut off my face and wear it as a mask" is probably some schmoe much like yourself, albeit with an apparent ironic grudge against popular culture, or possibly Warren Ellis, but don't listen to it. We must live in hope if we are to be free.
"I am a celebrity, cut off my face and wear it as a mask" has claimed to be Kenny G, but ze was obviously kidding. On the other hand, I have a gut feeling that "I am a celebrity, cut off my face and wear it as a mask" is Will Wheaton. I can't explain this, and I can offer no rationale. But as you, Constant Reader, are no doubt aware, my gut feelings are closely tied to what I had for lunch and so not to be trusted, necessarily. Wouldn't it be awesome if "I am a celebrity, cut off my face and wear it as a mask" were actually Benicio Del Torro? Or former Designing Woman Annie Potts?
Let's see if we can suss hir out, shall we? Who could ze be? What leading questions could we ask? Help me construct a rhetorical labrynth that will force "I am a celebrity, cut off my face and wear it as a mask" to render up hir secrets and get us all associate producer gigs on hir next movie. |