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Best soda

18:12 / 08.03.04
coke or pepsi or rc cola
Char Aina
18:16 / 08.03.04
virgin cola.
18:18 / 08.03.04
Fruit twist fanta.
18:20 / 08.03.04
cola, schmola. best soda = root beer
8===>Q: alyn
18:21 / 08.03.04
whup ass
18:21 / 08.03.04
If you have to have one of those three entities i'd say Pepsi. And the logo kicks ass all over coca colas. Notice the capitals for Pepsi and not coca cola. It's like.......the boss or something.
18:23 / 08.03.04
Also the Pepsi logo is Taoist and Kabbalistic. A very kick-ass sigil bomb right there. Red and Blue symbolizing Geburah and Chesed, and in the shape of the Tao.

Strong meme.
19:05 / 08.03.04
Coca cola. Max Headroom said.
Baz Auckland
02:25 / 09.03.04
Wink! The grapefruit soda the winners drink!

Anyone remember Raspberry Ginger Ale? I haven't seen that in years, but it was great....
02:43 / 09.03.04
Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper are two good sodas. I try to always have a 2-litre bottle of Mountain Dew by my side. The thing is that I like my soda cold and flat. Does anybody else like their soda flat? Cause I don't see the real point of carbonization. I mean, all it does is prevent you from gulping down the drink.
I am Invisible now
02:52 / 09.03.04
youre all wrong, its the PIBB
03:16 / 09.03.04
The best soda, including colas and noncolas, is Minute Maid Valencia Orange soda. The rest of you have been corrupted by demons of other flavors, and must be rebaptized in an effervescent orange font.
03:43 / 09.03.04
I drink Diet Coke with Lime - the breakfast of champions.
07:23 / 09.03.04
Um, if we're talking cola then Vanilla Diet Coke.
Non-cola, Fentiman's Ginger Beer.
10:33 / 09.03.04
chilled small glass bottle full fat coca-cola wins hands down...pepsi? you are avin a larf!...i see nobody wants to admit to jolt addiction
10:36 / 09.03.04
Don't drink fizzy drinks! They make your bones crumble, you know. One day you'll take one last mouthful of fizz and tumble to the ground, a floppy ragdoll.
The Puck
10:52 / 09.03.04
i got hooked to jolt when i was over stateside but had to go cold turkey upon my return, ahhh the memorys

sweet so very sweeeet
10:55 / 09.03.04
Can you buy Jolt in the UK?
11:14 / 09.03.04
14:53 / 09.03.04
Back before I gave Mormons a run for their money in swearing off the fizzies, I used to be hooked to Josta. It was one of Pepsi's rare attempts to imitate and sell South American guarana sodas.
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