I think all posts on Barbelith should have a set of check-boxes down one side which allow you to rate the poster, based on that post alone, in categories like "punchability," "Britishness," "fuckability," "originality," "respectability," and so on. I haven't given too much thought to the actual categories, because I'm an idea man, not some scurrying pencil-pusher who...
Uh, whoops! Heh heh. Just kidding.
Anyway, Barbelons would in this way develop a sort of synthetic, relational "reputation" based on the aggregate ratings of all the other Barbelons evaluating each others' output in real time. We would each know exactly where we stand in relation to the rest of the community along a variety of axises. The leaders in each category would assume new powers and dignity and possibly shiny cloaks or something. Like, if I clawed my way to the top of, say, the Volatility axis, I would have ultimate authority in all matters relating to Volatility.
Poster ratings would also provide convenient handles for data management, thread promotion or suppression, troll maintenance, etc. Obviously, we'd have a Chief Troll as well, and I think this could come in handy, personally.
Now leave me alone, I have work to do, you fucking scroungers. |