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MadMad House

21:46 / 07.03.04
The Scifi Channel does reality TV. Ten "normal" (media crazy, money hungry, narcissistic) contestants live with a vampire, a witch, a voodoo priestess, a modern primitive and a guy named Avocado.

Or, as I like to think of it, Barbelith on camera. Anyone watching? Anyone grow up with one of these folks?
I am Invisible now
00:04 / 08.03.04
I watched the first episode..i just couldnt take ony of these people seriously.....
But for some odd reason, the primate guy was kinda good looking in my opinion....blame the fruity pebbles and yoo hoo I was consuming at the time...
14:50 / 06.04.04
Anyone watch more of this and have comments? Just curious...
19:16 / 06.04.04
I've seen most of the episodes. It's entertaining enough, though I don't find myself getting too invested in the characters. I think the inclusion of Don "The Vampire" as one of the alts was a bit of a misstep--if the point is to get people to grow and open in an authentic fashion, it doesn't make much sense to have one of their mentors overtly playacting, does it? Why not just call him "The Goth" and be real about it? The contestants are funny in a "where'd they find these freaking squares?" kind of way. I was a little dissappointed by the voting-off of that ticking-time-bomb of a Young Republican virgin drunk several weeks ago--I wouldn't be surprised if producers of other reality shows were waiting next to her car shoving contracts her way as she left.
13:50 / 07.04.04
What was Fiona Horne like?
16:18 / 07.04.04
Fiona's actually the best thing about the show. She leads the guests through various expansive and/or purgative rituals, etc. Most recently she finally won over the lone female holdout (a devoted Christian who'd been refusing to participate in "witchcraft") as she led all the women in a goddess ritual, then invited the men into the "goddess realm" to serve them. Fun stuff.
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