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Yay for the sun!

01:02 / 06.03.04
I've just spent the last hour and a half lying in the sun reading. I've missed the sun. LET US PRAISE THE SUN!!!

("part II: The sun burnt me, let's curse the sun", coming soon.)
06:30 / 06.03.04
Yeah! Fianlly it is here! bow down bow down!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
15:04 / 06.03.04
After a very long Minnesota winter, it was nice to be able to wear my sunglasses and see my shadown in clear contrast to the ground.


Besides, the sun is the subject of my very favorite They Might Be Giants song.
18:15 / 06.03.04
You know, last year I got burnt.
In Scotland.
In March.
Saint Keggers
18:21 / 06.03.04
Its been raining here, getting rid of all the snow, which I believe is the suns job. So Lets here it for the rain and lets boo the lazy canadian late-winter sun. BOO! BOO! HISS!!!

(canadians praise the sun later in the year)
Jack Denfeld
04:18 / 07.03.04
The sun sucks. It gives you skin cancer and fades your tattoos. It also makes you squint, and gives you headaches. And it doesn't provide adequate cover for vandalism or sneakery. And everybody is awake and taking up the whole outside world when it's sunny.
20:33 / 07.03.04
The sun is your enemy. Goddamn the sun.
20:58 / 07.03.04
One of the coolest thing about winter in London this year has been the weather project at the Tate Modern - no matter how cold or dismally grey it is outside the turbine hall has its own fake sunset and suitablely dusky atmosphere to bask in, all afternoon if necessary.
21:20 / 07.03.04
When it is weird weather like today the sun is totally awe inspiring.

When the clouds are so spectacular that the sun behind them creates beams of God light which shine vived pink and virulent orange onto everything in their path...

Well then you can't be cross with it.

If, for example, someone had painted this evening's skies exactly as they looked; all messy watercolour and jagged cloud edges and as if someone had taken a huge brush and blobbed colour everywhere and made obsessive circular movements over and over, and given the clouds corners and generally messed up the sky like a three year old God might...

If a person had painted that then everyone else would have said they couldn't paint.

But this sky was real and lovely, and it was all because of the sun.

So don't knock it.
21:44 / 07.03.04
It's good to know all the years of human sacrifice in my basement is appreciated. I don't want any thanks for it. It's just nice to know that people appreciate the fruits of my labor.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:48 / 07.03.04
The sun is yer classic double-edged sword; can't live with it, can't fuck it.
17:09 / 08.03.04
The sun is my enemy. My best friend left the sancuary of our coven and fell to ashes. Damn the sun and it's followers!
17:58 / 08.03.04
Absolutely yay. Last weekend had enough bike rides and barbecues and long walks and trips to the ice cream parlor and lying on a blanket near the lemon tree in the back yard to last until, well, until next weekend I suppose. I love Southern California's idea of winter.
18:35 / 08.03.04
I don't go out much at the moment. Well, i'm going out tommorrow to sign on, but other than that, i'm a very good candidate for local vampire.

I'm staying in and writing, you won't drag me outside into the deathray of that infernal fireball!
Grey Area
19:20 / 08.03.04
Yesterday = Happiness and coffee in the afternoon sun, all afternoon.
Today = Frustration as virtually every person whom I talked to ends up pausing, staring at my face, and finally uttering something along the lines of 'How on earth did you get a sunburn in Northern Ireland in March?'
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