Anyone watch this? I found it quite interesting from the first episode, though a little too edited and shallow for the conceit...Basically, it's Big Brother, but with religious/cultural clash deliberately thrown in to see how 'integrated' young Londoner's can be.
There is a Jewish girl, a 'moderate' Muslim, a Hindu, a 'Spiritualist', a (presumably) secular 'geezer' and some others I can't quite remember.
For a fairly interesting setup, I found it too chopped around and brief to get a good impression of the tensions already present, aside from the problem of koshering the kitchen....I found, through the editing, that the Jewish girl came off as 'feeling' (i.e was presented as 'feeling') persecuted right from the get go, already objecting to the wind-up 'geezer's' (secular) sense of humour (he joked about the BNP).
Anyone else see it? It's good telly if you don't mind throwing stuff at your set in disgust. |