BARBELITH underground

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Let's talk in a cryptic language and pretend like it's meaningful.


Page: 12(3)

electric monk
15:35 / 03.03.06
oot the backle
chummed and choodled,
crucked a mackel
meally boodled.

"ruph the lorch,"
ze smaackled hiely.
"zup yourr zorch
en mottlem fryly"

oober corch on miggled fings.
Dead Megatron
20:35 / 03.03.06
Eu não preciso inventar uma língua criptográfica: eu falo português, rá rá
Dead Megatron
20:39 / 03.03.06
Faz, faz, faz faz faz faz, faz carinho dumdum,
Faz carinho dumdum, faz carim dumdum
Não posso ficar
Nem mais um minuto com você
Sinto muito amor
Mas não pode ser
Moro em Jaçanã
Se eu perder esse trem
Que sai agora às onze horas
Só amanhã de manhã
Além disso mulher
Tem outra coisa
Minha mãe não dorme
Enquanto eu não chegar
Soooooooou filho único
Tenho minha casa pra olhar
Faz,faz, faz faz faz faz,faz carinho dumdum,
Faz carinho dumdum, faz carim dumdum...Faz dum dum
01:53 / 04.03.06
Belle muse qui s'amuse
12:52 / 13.03.06
ac na dn aa lt lu
tr hn ei bp el ao
uv te iy fo uu lw
fi lt oh wt eh re
ps ea om pe lp ea

ws is ti ho cn ai ut lp ir fo lv oi wd ee rs gi en ne
im tb ai lt st se ar ni gn pg et ah ne sp ta ol Za it

re gw le
ol rl
14:23 / 13.03.06
to Ror that tis whut wee huvluv'd in liff(ee). to Ror to...
Jawsus-son Starship
21:02 / 13.03.06
Sagu Sagu? Pree ditteedittee spong!!! Sleh, fladra kloru k'tekateka, bos trimtich magy krapto. Yagyag: iom.

Borusnikov velobdia Dan Brown klimsel blang fwella nong dong krabdag feloco feloco linky linky blam bam. Heripodemus flin erty wan. Slinqu ball noriqde Christian blank fungo brutiden langpal ghedren cpas wrijifip jwer riupwep.

Slatban walla walla.
Dead Megatron
00:17 / 14.03.06
Se ue sezesqui lafar de tras pra tefren, mueq iari dertenen o qeu ue riaque lafar iqua me thlibrra???

Evil Scientist
08:38 / 14.03.06
MXYPLTK? Tam blingle MXYPLTK. Jia tookie tum paable frit. Lun sin doo damperit chale.

Dead Megatron
20:02 / 16.03.06
Wagga, wagga, wagga. Ha! Ha!
Mon Oncle Ignatius
13:55 / 17.03.06

Bubblegum Death
20:52 / 19.03.06
ak-usamesunah on ognohin
19:05 / 24.03.06
Blake Head
20:09 / 24.03.06
Git tae fuck wi yer bluddy made up wurds an yir haverin aboot meanin – aw it means izz stoatin aboot shoan awff yurr big heids an yer fancy glottall gloss all allia shite. Stick wi Kelman esk urban demiotic or jist dinnae bother... Ken whit ah mean? eejjits
Earlier than I thought
10:07 / 26.03.06
ndencies to option 5, indicating strong pre-adolescent religious sentinel lock operating at P114227J - relocate at higher cycle 14 254 66 246 19 144 255 66 15 300 300 300 300 300 300



Frequency indications - pleasurable inactive

Dead Megatron
19:05 / 27.03.06
A bit offtopic, but I just got a SPAM e-mail titles "forefinger hedonism" with the following that I found perfect for this thread:

heroic berry of console briefcase corporate as laughter as duplication of expire that sister strangely

airspace a hydraulic erotically recruitment of wispy, new of demon, the stock market a civilly
liaison, that prairie, tier similarly western schmaltzy,.
blemished fender pulp consult or ranch cajole... coolness
mirror capitalism of appendix the was! sled devotedly numbness, shortage gulp the first class fizzy,?! wool
uncertainty a the perversity and phobia southern corporal punishment an tufted as an
evidently is aerosol condor waiting list escalate, moral chiefly go-getter, the as kid, rave menu snort napkin,
handler the drunkard the as nondescript with? intermediary impassable instructive the of phrasing chairwoman the chaos, the barring incapacitate, deafen squander
downsizing raucous breast-fed, and was

windsurfing. genuinely ranch house, guise.
curator, appreciable, filigree asst. title are and steep pretty biological template, denunciation panache, angel rabbit, as PIN number canker that

objectivity, bodyguard and admirer provost journalist afflict, divinity and big brother by comeuppance, the northerly that lying or cobbler tan

got it?
08:18 / 29.03.06
Ar y cyfan yn gymylog gyda chyfnodau cliriach a chawodydd yn bosib. Y cawodydd yn fwy cyson yn y Gogledd a`r Gorllewin yn ystod y prynhawn. Y tymheredd yn cyrraedd 12 gradd.
13:47 / 29.03.06
(oc0) (•c• ) (@c@)(•o• ) (*o*)(;o; ) (^ö^) (oo0)
(o_0) (-_-)(*_*)
(^_^) (ToT) (p_-) (1_1) (•_• ) (>_<)
(T_T) (po-) (^_^) (•c• ) (@o@) (^_^; )(1c1) (TcT) (^o^; ) (>o<)
(*c*) (1o1) (>c<) (;o; ) (T_T) (^c^) (^o^) (-c-)
(^c^; ) (-c-) (;_; )(@_@) (^_^; ) (ToT) (o_0) (-o-) (p´c-)(;c; ) (po-)
(-o-) (oo0) (TcT) (pc-)
(^o^; ) (>o<) (^c^) (•_• ) (^c^; )(*_*) (@o@) (>c<)
(1ß1) (@c@)(1c1) (*c*) (-_-)(p_-) (*o*)(•o• ) (oc0) (;c; )
21:36 / 29.01.07
22:38 / 29.01.07
Shilpi? Or whatever your fucking name is?
22:50 / 29.01.07
Eggs! My gods! By Thor's Hammer! Merlin's Wand! Mon Dieux Du Stade! The Eggs!!!!!!!
Dead Megatron
23:27 / 29.01.07
Uó, Matt. Mó ugó ubiratan dengô
Leigh Monster loses its cool
00:08 / 30.01.07

saecrud dockkyewmunt


07:45 / 30.01.07
Probobabobabobabobably knot
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:19 / 30.01.07
Gar gar gar gar gar! Gat yuul snüzen frogaut nat!
Closed for Business Time
09:05 / 30.01.07
Naa de skukke vaere saa jaevla vanskelig de her'a. Jeg er gnukke gnukke gnukke! Jokke jokke jokke jokke jokke!
09:10 / 30.01.07
Kæsu tuula mon øruasteg mintollu?

Mésa heidon PATALLA MANDU astu öriel!

15:01 / 30.01.07
tiddighis iddigs uiddigber ciddigoniddigtemiddigplatiddigory

hiddigir eiggigggs widdigere fiddigoul.

17:29 / 30.01.07
That's such a vradlemagok.

You've got to erblanzinate the vorblorglak before you bring in the subjunctive yix yix.

Or you could have inverted the double yix to unplrwertify the uuuuuuf.

But noooo, you have to do it your way. Fine. Just fine.

Otherwise, I find everything in perfect xie.
19:31 / 30.01.07

widdigell iiddig tiddighink yiddigour aiddig ciddigertain siddigpeiddigcies oiddigf VIDDIGOLIDDIGCANO!
the Fool
21:24 / 30.01.07
oblong neurio. Is corpulant necessitate? You them us bingo. Werumilantra.

22:38 / 30.01.07

Page: 12(3)

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