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Send me a PM, dammit!!

19:31 / 03.03.04

i will write you back...probably. it may even be a witty message back. the odds are better than at the casinos, and it doesn't cost you anything!

in fact, let's just all write each other PM's. only, you start, by writing me one, okay? it can be about anything.
19:39 / 03.03.04
ok i got one, but only one, so far, and i don't know how many it will take to satiate me. but i will appreciate them all. thank you in advance.
8===>Q: alyn
19:40 / 03.03.04
You are sooooooo biting my move, girlfriend!
19:49 / 03.03.04
i will decline to say whether or not this is working. because if it isn't, i look like a total loser, and if it is, soon everyone will be posting tripe like this for attention when they're totally bored at work.
8===>Q: alyn
19:53 / 03.03.04
Well, I should be allowed to do it because I did it first, and you should be allowed to do it because you were the first one to think of biting my move. Anyone else who tries it will get a cold motherfucking shoulder!
19:58 / 03.03.04
20:55 / 03.03.04
look, by "tries it", the future president of this nation means only, "start a silly thread asking for private messages." he doesn't mean to threaten anyone who intends to send me one. really. feel free. don't fear his political and welding ways. or his cold motherfucking shoulder.
02:04 / 04.03.04
I'm sure it's just an amusing happenstance, but before I bumped this thread up to the top, it was adjacent to "It's official - I am a sad, lonely geek."

And, yes, I will accept a light punishment for tossing breadcrumbs under the bridge...
14:08 / 06.10.04
ok, I'm at work with little to nothing to do and most sites I usually visit are blocked now, so I need some assistance. PM me, will ya? ask me funny/obscure/personal/unanswerable questions, make me google for something, send me neat links, irresistible ebay items or dirty stories.

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