Ok, in the tradition of romantic near-misses, disasters, fucked-up hard luck stories going out on this site, I figured I'd add my own.
But I'm going to fuzz the details slightly, on the very off chance that somebody out there might know the people concerned - Me ? Paranoid ? Who's saying that...
Anyway, late last year, this friend of a friend, ( let's call her Z, ) was staying in my flat for a couple of days, this being a favour to Z I was in two minds about really, having been out with her a few times a couple of years previously, when nothing much happened, perhaps due to the fact that we were living in different cities, plus one or two other things which I can't really go into, to do with her personal circumstances, they're not all that relevant. But also, quite possibly, because she just wasn't interested, I never got around to asking. But it SEEMED like she was, or at least, in any case, that I was in with chance. Oh the sweet, sweet torture... Sorry, I'm rambling a bit.
Anyway, for reasons it's not fair to go into here, but which were nothing whatsoever to do with your reporter ( you'll have to trust me on this, ) I didn't see her at all for the next few years, at which point, I got this call, would it be okay if I put her up for a while... Well, yeah, okay.
Needless to say, I found myself a bit smitten, we seemed to get on really well, and then she was off, but we'd see each other soon, was the general arrangement - I should point out at this stage that it seemed a bit un-gent-like to make some kind of pass while she was under my roof - bit awkward for her if she wasn't that up for it, plus hideously embarassing for me. Y'know, you can't just stalk off into the night if it's in your own place, plus how would she have felt ? And anyway I figured, there'd be time later on...
So that was four months ago, during which time I've seen her twice. Once before Christmas, when I said... various things to do with Z being " wonderful, " someone I liked more than anyone else I'd met in
a long time, that type of thing, all this sad, soppy stuff that was nevertheless true, but which seemed to go over well. " Right back at you, " in fact, is what she actually said.
So that seemed okay.
If ambiguous, I grant you, plus on this occasion I only saw her for a couple of hours, quite early evening, then she had to be somewhere else - she tends to fly around town at high speed in general, I should say that.
And then I saw her for lunch about six weeks ago now, and that's been it. I've called her a few times, but she hasn't called back. So I decided at that point well I've still my dignity, a few shreds of it left, so I guess I'll just leave it, I won't call again. But then again she's been busy, apparently, new flat, new job, that type of thing, and I still feel shit about this, a month or so later...
So here's the thing anyway - If anyone's made it the end of this post, by giving up on this situation, did I overreact ?
I can't call her, incidentally, just at the moment, because she's out of the country. |