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That Woman Done Me Wrong... Or Did She ? I Don't Know Any More...


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Alex's Grandma
16:37 / 01.03.04
Ok, in the tradition of romantic near-misses, disasters, fucked-up hard luck stories going out on this site, I figured I'd add my own.

But I'm going to fuzz the details slightly, on the very off chance that somebody out there might know the people concerned - Me ? Paranoid ? Who's saying that...

Anyway, late last year, this friend of a friend, ( let's call her Z, ) was staying in my flat for a couple of days, this being a favour to Z I was in two minds about really, having been out with her a few times a couple of years previously, when nothing much happened, perhaps due to the fact that we were living in different cities, plus one or two other things which I can't really go into, to do with her personal circumstances, they're not all that relevant. But also, quite possibly, because she just wasn't interested, I never got around to asking. But it SEEMED like she was, or at least, in any case, that I was in with chance. Oh the sweet, sweet torture... Sorry, I'm rambling a bit.

Anyway, for reasons it's not fair to go into here, but which were nothing whatsoever to do with your reporter ( you'll have to trust me on this, ) I didn't see her at all for the next few years, at which point, I got this call, would it be okay if I put her up for a while... Well, yeah, okay.
Needless to say, I found myself a bit smitten, we seemed to get on really well, and then she was off, but we'd see each other soon, was the general arrangement - I should point out at this stage that it seemed a bit un-gent-like to make some kind of pass while she was under my roof - bit awkward for her if she wasn't that up for it, plus hideously embarassing for me. Y'know, you can't just stalk off into the night if it's in your own place, plus how would she have felt ? And anyway I figured, there'd be time later on...

So that was four months ago, during which time I've seen her twice. Once before Christmas, when I said... various things to do with Z being " wonderful, " someone I liked more than anyone else I'd met in
a long time, that type of thing, all this sad, soppy stuff that was nevertheless true, but which seemed to go over well. " Right back at you, " in fact, is what she actually said.

So that seemed okay.

If ambiguous, I grant you, plus on this occasion I only saw her for a couple of hours, quite early evening, then she had to be somewhere else - she tends to fly around town at high speed in general, I should say that.

And then I saw her for lunch about six weeks ago now, and that's been it. I've called her a few times, but she hasn't called back. So I decided at that point well I've still my dignity, a few shreds of it left, so I guess I'll just leave it, I won't call again. But then again she's been busy, apparently, new flat, new job, that type of thing, and I still feel shit about this, a month or so later...

So here's the thing anyway - If anyone's made it the end of this post, by giving up on this situation, did I overreact ?

I can't call her, incidentally, just at the moment, because she's out of the country.
17:06 / 01.03.04
Alex's Grandma
17:29 / 01.03.04
Sorry, does this make absolutely no sense at all ?

Christ i'm not even drunk either...
Alex's Grandma
17:45 / 01.03.04
Actually, I did try explaining this to a friend of mine a while ago, and they didn't know what I was talking about either. Which was particularly bad, since they actually did know the girl in question.

Still, at least the problem's clear now - I am in fact completely insane
18:36 / 01.03.04
Sadly, your post made perfect sense to me (I think), which may reflect poorly on both of us. You met somebody wonderful who seemed to respond, but only sort of, and then for various reasons you lost your momentum. Now you've extended yourself a bit and not gotten a response, but aren't sure whether she's lost interest or just been busy. Is that it?

Although different in the specifics, this general mechanism is familiar to me. Alas, I have no good advice. How intense is your interest in her? Would you be happy with just seeing her every so often (in which case you should call her infrequently just to keep in touch)? Or do you really want something more (in which case I think it's best to hold out for her to initiate so you don't get a bad imbalance of expressed interest right off the bat).

Best of luck to you either way.
18:56 / 01.03.04
Dude, I don't really have any answers, but I understood the question perfectly well. There's nothing unclear about what you wrote.

I'm as baffled by that first response as you must be.
Nobody's girl
18:57 / 01.03.04
Nothing can happen in this situation until you let go of all that fear of rejection nonsense and make a move. That seems to be what you are tiptoeing around in your post.

You poor thing, from your post I can see you are clearly in a muddle, I'm getting echoes of my high school english class on "A Room With a View" here-
"Take an old man's word; there's nothing worse than a muddle in all the world. It is easy to face Death and Fate, and the things that sound so dreadful. It is on my muddles that I look back with horror--on the things that I might have avoided. We can help one another but little. I used to think I could teach young people the whole of life, but I know better now, and all my teaching of George has come down to this: beware of muddle."

Good luck.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
19:18 / 01.03.04
I would be inclined to let her make the next move. If she really is interested, she will get in touch with you. If not, just let it go.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:55 / 01.03.04
I'm with bitchiekittie: what?

Explain it to me like I'm an idiot: in what POSSIBLE sense can this person be said to have done you the slightest bit of "wrong".
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:19 / 01.03.04
Alex, mate, are you sure you've actually made it clear to this woman that you're interested in pursuing a loving relationship with her?

I ask because I was once in a long platonic freindship with a guy which from my point of view could have got quite distinctly unplatonic if he had shown any interest in me other than as a platonic freind. But since every other word out of this guy's mouth was "platonic," I came to the conclusion that he was Only Interested In Me As A Friend.

It later came out (after lots of mindgames and confusion and a big fight that I really hate thinking about, since it was largely my fault) that he'd been harbouring very non-platonic feeling for me the whole time. According to him, I should have realised this.


Well, by telepathy, of course. And no, that's not an exaggeration for comic effect -- he claimed that I should have understood his true feelings by telepathy. The fact that I hadn't was a sign of my terrible insensitivity, but he was prepared to forgive me. Which was nice.

What I'm trying to say is: if you haven't made your feelings clear, then trust me, she doesn't know. And from what you've said I'm not sure you have.

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and make that first move. I know you don't want to lose face but, well, sod losing face, frankly. I've been shot down in flames a few times, and it's way less ouchtastic to look back on those times than to look back on the ones that got away because I was too proud to speak up.
Alex's Grandma
21:13 / 01.03.04

Well I did say " Or Did She ? "

I should have made this clearer, or better, much better, just not bothered in the first place, but ok, here goes.

She was staying at my place, just as a friend, we got on well, and then a month or so later, we went for a drink. So I told her I liked her, she said she felt the same way - Is this Adrian Mole enough for you, incidentally ?

And then lunch a while later, and again that went well, so she was going to call back so we could go out in the evening. And that never quite happened.

So I phoned her myself, she said she was busy, but again, she'd ring back in a couple of days. Again, that never happened.

So poor old Alex, I was left wondering why - you do know, I suppose, when a date-type-situation isn't quite meant to be, when it's nobody's fault or you've done something stupid, but these weren't like that. So I just wound up feeling a little confused. You're not sure what's gone wrong so you start on yourself, which I don't suppose anyone really enjoys. In that sense, only, do I mean she " done me wrong. "

But she might just have been busy. As I said, I don't know.

Does that make any more sense ?

Anyway, I'm just off to hang round the local graveyard, see who's going by as the pubs close down
21:32 / 01.03.04
ok, I was being a bit of a smartass, but still, my answer was the funniest.

anyway, I have a general rule that I follow in regards to possibly pursuing iffy relationships: if you find that you can't talk to this person about your feelings, for whatever reason, then most likely you shouldn't be getting (more?) emotionally involved with them.

and it's such a good rule, in my opinion, that I don't even have to understand what's going on to offer that as advice!
Alex's Grandma
21:42 / 01.03.04
I really wish I'd never started this now. But people usually end up saying that on these kinds of threads, don't they ? It's a cautionary tale, I guess.

Anyway, straw poll on expressing your real feelings, what does anyone think:

If somebody said the following to you, in the middle of your ( actually pretty funny ) annecdote -

" Well I don't care what anyone thinks, I think you're wonderful... I haven't met anyone I've liked as much in a very long time... "

Would that count, or not ?

I mean I just think it would, in terms of being a clear enough statement...

God, I'm sad
21:47 / 01.03.04
you're not sad; things just are never as crystal clear as the dewy doe eyes and pouty kiss-me-lips as good ol teevee would have you think

teevee - skewing expectations for 50 years!
Alex's Grandma
21:51 / 01.03.04
What, the... the teevee's been LYING ?! DON'T tell me THAT...
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:00 / 01.03.04
Man to woman, that comment could still be construed a pledge of eternal friendship. I know, I've been there - hints and insinuations are only really any good for 'testing the water', so to speak, to see how the other party reacts to your comments.

You'll only ever be really sure if you go right out and ask her out to dinner, or whatever, making sure she knows it's a date and not just a get-together. (I always prefer dinner dates - a chance to impress with your sophisticated tastes, no loud music to get in the way of conversation, a chance to dress up properly, neutral territory)

From what I've read here, I'd suggest you try phoning her just one last time. Surely the worst that can heppen would be she refuses, which would at least clear the air. Not very pleasant, being knocked back, but a hell of a lot better, and more easy to deal with long term than living with the 'If only I'd asked her' feeling hanging over you for months.

But there's always the chance that she'll say yes. I reckon you should go for it, myself.
22:04 / 01.03.04
I'm with the explain-your-feelings-to-her faction here. God, I'm such a hypocrite (and I cannot spell that word to save my life..or can I?). I've been in situations that gel alarmingly with Mordant's "telepathy" anecdote, both where I expected the power of my ardent thoughts to invade the brainwaves of another and vice versa. It.....Doesn't....Happen.... (someone from Magick is going to disprove that and shame me horribly). People here have been giving me similar advice about my own blurted out luurve problem and they are right. No doubt, our resident life-coach would advise you that communication is the key to moving the relationship forwards. But I know just how difficult that is, in fact, sometimes I find that I physically can't talk about my feelings to the person those feelings are directed at. And she's your friend and I presume you don't want to lose the friendship. If you tell her in some way and she doesn't feel the same, chances are that you will go through a period of awkwardness where you don't really talk to each other and so on but eventually you will both get over the discomfort. And if she does feel the same, well... If she's currently very busy you may be waiting a while for her to make any kind of move. The positive side of that busyness, I would imagine, is that with her new home, job and so on, she's probably quite happy in and with herself - the best time for someone to start a relationship, and it could show that while she doesn't necessarily need you, she wants you.

And your post made perfect sense. God help us all.
22:09 / 01.03.04
And your compliment to her? If you said it to her in the middle of an anecdote in which she was telling you that someone thought badly of her or expressed a low opinion of her somehow then your comment could have been construed as merely a nice confidence bolster from a friend. I've sadi this kind of thing to girlfriends and the bitches never tried it on. They thought I was just being nice. Damn them and their heteronormative values.
Alex's Grandma
22:37 / 01.03.04
I was going to say something else, but... MUST RESIST... URGE TO CARRY... ON... WITH THIS... THREAD...
They can probably get a bit addictive, these things - they're all about YOU, so you keep on digging yourself... deeper and deeper in
23:48 / 01.03.04
Either she doesn't want you like that (most likely) or she's so terminally incapable of expressing it that any courtship would be a horrible, painful affair full of misunderstandings and repressed feelings that will make your friends want to scream "for fuck's sake, just shag already". Those are not much fun. I'd give it up.
bio k9
00:54 / 02.03.04
Wait, I though all girls had telepathic powers. Mordant?
07:42 / 02.03.04
I think asking her out for dinner is a kind of nice halfway house between giving up on the whole thing on one hand, and going out a friendly fashion, getting hammered and launching yourself at her, on the other, giving her the fright of her life. Which I've never done. Oh no. Kind of makes your intentions clear without suicide enducing embarassment. Having said that if she's not got back in touch, then I would guess shes Doesn't Think Of You That Way. Brutal but true.
Alex's Grandma
14:37 / 02.03.04
Okay, okay, I'll either call her or not ( I'm thinking probably not, ) but can we just let this thread kind of crawl off and die now, like a sick junkyard dog ?
14:52 / 02.03.04
you could get 40% to write you a free song for her......
15:01 / 02.03.04
Do you think she's looking for a serious relationship?
The Apple-Picker
15:50 / 02.03.04
I have to agree, sort of, with what someone else wrote: If she hasn't called you back, she's not interested enough.

Bitchie Kittie is limiting her time-tested advice. Maybe she's planning on writing a book, giving you little teasers. Here's a paraphrase of something else she's said: there are too many people out there who are awesome for you to waste time and energy on someone who isn't that excited about you.

Let it go. Let it go now, before you've invested any more. The more you invest, the more you think it's worth it to just hang in there. Lordy, I've wasted about five years on two different men who gave me just enough to hope but never as much as I needed.
The Apple-Picker
15:54 / 02.03.04
Oh, and just so you don't think I was pining for nothing and that your case could be very very different in that regard, one of those men practically proposed and another gave just as much if less consistent encouragement.
17:07 / 02.03.04
just enough to hope but never as much as I needed

God have I ever been there. It's the worst. Well, there are worse things, like brain cancer, but that's still pretty bad.
Alex's Grandma
18:41 / 02.03.04
I'm just starting to feel like a flasher round now. Which is, in fact, what I actually am. There are certain, um, aspects of this whole situation that I've neglected to mention
19:01 / 02.03.04
Okay, I'm with bitchiekittie now: WHAT?
19:03 / 02.03.04
Dude, you should not have got your whang out. Trust me.
20:28 / 02.03.04
Ah, exposing yourself. The source of and solution to all relationship problems.
20:46 / 02.03.04
Nice adaptation, Seth.

Alex, please clarify. Please say this is some kind of metaphor or figure of speech or SOMETHING that doesn't mean that you actually flashed this girl.

Because I recently took the crown for embarassing behaviour towards a member of the opposite sex, and I don't want to have to relinquish it to the likes of you.
Alex's Grandma
20:50 / 02.03.04
Well it is though, isn't it ? Everything else is just smoke and mirrors
20:55 / 02.03.04
WHAT?! What the fuck are you talking about? Smoke and mirrors?! Chocolate hob nobs and expensive champagne?! One man and his horse?! The circumference of the north pole?! It's all madness, I tell you! MADNESS!!

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