Knights of the Old Republic. Bioware. RPG. Star Wars. It's superb, and huge; I'm on break from it atm but can't wait to have the time and comfy chair to play again. Absolutely brilliant.
Look to Sega: Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, etc.
If you like driving stuff, PGR2 has gone down pretty well everywhere I can see.
TBH, most of the multiplatform stuff is better on Xbox by dint of hardware - though EA stuff is only online on PS2.
Xbox Live looks great; most people I know have raved. Certainly better implemented (for now) than Sony's offerings. Also, XSN - set up your own leagues/tournaments on live, etc.
Goodish sports stuff, though Sony is the real home of sports; Top Spin is the spiritual successor to Virtua Tennis, and I quite like Links 2004.
The hard disk; makes a huge difference. Allows for decent sized save games, disk caching so shorter loads, and if you like the idea of custom MP3 soundtracks, then you can have that too. I mean, the KoTOR save file is about 12mb, and I currently have five of the things. The fact I'm not paying through my eye teeth to Sony for memory cards when I've already forked out for a console makes me happy.
The price: you can get seriously good deals on them in the UK; and they did drop before the PS2.
It's a choice, I guess. The exclusive stuff I want is mainly Xbox, not PS2, it's online, it has the best ports because it's the most powerful, I like the joypad, the DVD player is far better, fourplayer out of the box (like the Cube) if you like that sort of thing. I guess now there's not much to split hairs about, given widespread multiplatforming. I do wish it had Ico, though.
So basically: not many exclusive options any more; it's your choice. Some interesting things ahead, notably Ninja Gaiden, and Bioware's Jade Empire. Oh, and Fable. |