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Anyone know any good Xbox Football (Soccer) Games?

Rev. Jesse
15:48 / 29.02.04
Hey folks,

This may seem like a shot in the dark, but I am curious if anyone can recomend a great Xbox football game. I've picked up FIFA 2004 and I'm curious if there are any other good ones out there. Feel free to private message me, if you choose.

Much thanks-

16:01 / 29.02.04
Couch jock!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
17:25 / 29.02.04
FIFA is pretty much the only one, and the 2003 is actually better than 2004.
20:04 / 29.02.04
Yeah, FIFA 2003 is about the only half decent football game on the Xbox, and it's pretty pants.

I dream of the day that pro evolution soccer 3 gets switched over. Until then I'll just have to keep making excuses to go and see my brother and his PS2, and content myself with the sight of little circles lumping a white dot around a screen as millwall make another surge towards mediocrity in Championship Manger 4
20:08 / 29.02.04
What good games are there for the XBox? Apart from Halo. I've never really been that impressed with what I see. I have a Cube, which is not that well stocked with games but has a few that are absolutely spiffing and only for the Cube. All of the decent XBox games seem to be also available for the PS2, so if I wanted another machine I'd just get one of those.
Spatula Clarke
21:10 / 29.02.04
Otogi, Star Wars: KotOR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Project Gotham Racing, Jet Set Radio Future, Amped, and jazzed up versions of Burnout 2 and Project Zero for a start. I'm still in love with the concept of DoAXBV, but it's largely similar to that of Animal Crossing so I doubt that's going to be an argument that changes your mind.

It's a stupid thing to say, I know, but one of the things I really like about the console is the hard drive. Being able to turn the thing on without having to remember which memory card contains the save file for the game I'm loading is a relief - it's like memory cards never happened and we're back to battery-backed carts.

What it's still lacking, imo, are any format-exclusive throwaway, five-minute games - puzzle games, bemani stuff, scrolling shmups, that sort of thing. There's little experimentation in the exlusive titles.

On Pro Evo - I think there was a bust-up between Konami and Microsoft a while back. Even if they did convert it, it might not get a release outside of Japan - the Gamecube version didn't, which makes me wonder if Sony Europe have an exclusivity deal going on.
21:25 / 29.02.04
I like the hard drive. Frankly, the concept of memory cards is crap; there's no excuse for it these days, and for a big game they effectively double the price if you have to buy a new card for it.

Are any of those "killer", though? Zelda is killer, which is one of the reasons I have a Cube. I think Mario Karts is pretty killer, too, though that's open to debate.
The Strobe
21:28 / 29.02.04
Knights of the Old Republic. Bioware. RPG. Star Wars. It's superb, and huge; I'm on break from it atm but can't wait to have the time and comfy chair to play again. Absolutely brilliant.

Look to Sega: Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, etc.

If you like driving stuff, PGR2 has gone down pretty well everywhere I can see.

TBH, most of the multiplatform stuff is better on Xbox by dint of hardware - though EA stuff is only online on PS2.

Xbox Live looks great; most people I know have raved. Certainly better implemented (for now) than Sony's offerings. Also, XSN - set up your own leagues/tournaments on live, etc.

Goodish sports stuff, though Sony is the real home of sports; Top Spin is the spiritual successor to Virtua Tennis, and I quite like Links 2004.

The hard disk; makes a huge difference. Allows for decent sized save games, disk caching so shorter loads, and if you like the idea of custom MP3 soundtracks, then you can have that too. I mean, the KoTOR save file is about 12mb, and I currently have five of the things. The fact I'm not paying through my eye teeth to Sony for memory cards when I've already forked out for a console makes me happy.

The price: you can get seriously good deals on them in the UK; and they did drop before the PS2.

It's a choice, I guess. The exclusive stuff I want is mainly Xbox, not PS2, it's online, it has the best ports because it's the most powerful, I like the joypad, the DVD player is far better, fourplayer out of the box (like the Cube) if you like that sort of thing. I guess now there's not much to split hairs about, given widespread multiplatforming. I do wish it had Ico, though.

So basically: not many exclusive options any more; it's your choice. Some interesting things ahead, notably Ninja Gaiden, and Bioware's Jade Empire. Oh, and Fable.
Spatula Clarke
22:13 / 29.02.04
I've always had JSRF down as its killer app. But then that sold like dogshit pies, so what do I know?

There *is* a lack of Japanese-developed titles for Xbox, and a lot of the Xbox exclusive stuff feels very much like it's development's been pushed with a stereotypical young male American audience in mind.

If you can afford it, get both. Same as it ever was.
22:54 / 29.02.04
Given that the base hardware is frankly cheap as chips and a loss leader for the games, I often wonder why I don't just get all of them.
Spatula Clarke
17:07 / 12.03.04
Pro Evo coming to Xbox after all

Maybe I'll just shut my big mouth.
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