Is everyone else really THIS obsessed with the size of their own penis? Well, men only, obviously. I've never really given much thought to amplifying my cock, it's fine as it is and although I am sure there are men with much larger ones I've never felt a need to actually DO anything about it. I suppose if I had a really small one I might suffer some degree of envy but is the proportion of men who feel like that really enough to justify my having to receive all of this spam with the following subject headings within the last 24 hours?
!ncrease erection s1ze n hardness
enhance the length and width of your manh00d! xnkksuvdvjzab usmy
please her easily mkwahvg agqzgy twuve
Are you insecure about your c0cK size? fflzmrk
Enhance Bedroom Ability
the women want a b1g....
turn your Spud into a stud!! g vcscat cytredraey
Want to en1arge your C0ck? We can help...
the wonder pi11 for your love tool!
Increase Your Penis Width (Girth) By 20%
the miricle for your pen1s!
enhance the length and width of your willy! scienctists have proved and approved our product
Want to en1arge your manhood? We can help! rtohogurve dtjuc
women want it b1gger zmbmhy pqkfse jqr
feeling depressed about the size... o ttro crgogumgfzb
-->You will add inches with this amazing pill
Continuous grôwth with the pill
No More lonliness, add 3+ inches
Are you satisfied with the smallness of your c0ck? o nnc
Let this give you the extra boost in bed! opv ofv tjuj
Are you fully happy with your...
amplify your cock. today! science has proven it dslcmhvwi
It just seems so... silly!
I mean, does having a small penis mean you will lead a lonely life? No, of course not, surely. Can a pill actually change the size of ones naughty bits anyway? I sincerely doubt it, but then, I have no medical training and base this statement entirely on my usual scepticism of anything that arrives uninvited within my inbox.
Spam seems to go through phases. Last month it was viagra, generic viagra and xanax, this month it's penis size, next month it'll probably be dodgy financial investments again. This month has annoyed me though because, somehow, as a man, I take it all as a personal affront to my masculinity. Each time one of these arrives I tell the computer screen that no, I DON'T want continuous growth, no, I'm NOT insecure about my cock size, yes, I AM satisfied with the smallness of my love tool and how dare you refer to it as smallness anyway, it's HUGE thank you very much for asking now fuck off and leave me alone.
It's probably just me, right? |