OK, I am being self-serving here as usual but it did occur to me that it's been a while since I've seen a Barbelith Problem Page (in fact, have I ever seen a Barbelith Problem Page? I mean, what good is a board if we can't get together and discuss those knotty crosstitching problems?). Although I am shy and retiring, I thought maybe I could be the one to open the floor to the wave of messy entanglements you people surely are, um, entangled in. If you open up to the good members of this here board doubtlessly they will have tips and advice for you, solving your deeply ingrained neuroses with one click of the mouse. What I'm saying is that this is a thread where all the lost souls can detail whatever kind of problem it is that they have, be it practical, emotional, complete nonsense or whatever, and any of the other lost souls can try and offer some advice/commiserations etc.
Because I am so entirely selfless I'll start. I know it's scary being the first to speak up.
Dear Barbelith Agony Assorted Relations,
I'm not actually looking for any solution to this as such, just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and did it work out ok. Or did it end in a veritable fireball of surpressed rage and loathing.
Basically, I've been *seeing* this guy who identitfies as bi. Really, that should be fine, I'm pretty down with the fluid sexual orientation thing myself, so in theory I should be all cool with it and whatnot. I know that he has gone out with women before whereas I'm not sure if he ever has gone out with another man but I reckon he's had sexual experiences with men. So far, looks fine and dandy and I keep castigating myself for worrying about this. However, we haven't, uh, consummated our relationship yet and it's starting to worry me. There are a few factors that are preventing us from seeing each other more than once a week but we have had the opportunity to fuck, to put it with my usual delicacy and though I thought I was more than amply illustrating my willingness to do so, his response so far has been to fool around (as they say) then fall asleep. Tiredness may be a factor here. In my experience, though, when you're in your early 20s and you really want to fuck you can do it in pretty much any state. I'm just wondering if maybe he likes having a girlfriend because of all the nice things about it (and because naturally I'm sooo appealing) other than sex (and I mean intercourse). Is it possible that's the case? Anyway it's pretty obvious that he does fancy me i.e. something a more intense than just wanting to be friends, but perhaps - ugh, I dunno - he doesn't like penetrative sex with women even though he does fancy them in the typical visceral way that people fancy each other? I'm not denying his right to identitfy as bi just because he mightn't think penetration with women is the hottest thing on the sexual menu. Before anyone asks does it matter to me that much - yes, it does. I already feel somewhat devalued because he keeps telling me he "wants me" and yet clearly, he doesn't want me all that badly, at least in that way. I feel a little one-sided in my lust and everyone knows that one-sided lust in a new realtionship just isn't good for the self-esteem.
Do I feel weird spilling this out to lots (potentially) of people I don't know? Why, yes, I do. But it's something I can't really say to my friends, who know that I'm seeing him and have been for a few weeks and expect that we've already slept with each other. I'm actually embarressed to tell them we haven't. In a neat reversal of the way things were, say, 50 years ago his not pressurizing me to fuck him would signal to them that he wasn't particulaly interested or that for "bi" read "gay" and that I'm making a total fucking fool of myself, pretending that he likes me. I know no-one knows the particulars but I'm not asking for any answers... Just want to express my fears. If anyone has any comment or stories to tell, feel free. Other than that, the Problem Page is here for you. No problem is too stupidly insignifgant or frighteningly complicated and horrible.
SV |