I want to agree with you, but...man, I dunno, the weirdest thing happened when I went and read over this thread (I stopped on page 8, where my eyes started to glaze over). First of all, I've only ever seen Kordey's work on NXM, where I thought it was...um...inappropriate (but not totally terrible; as others have said, there is something Corben-ish about his work that could be quite good in the proper context). Even so, I was (and am) disgusted by Marvel's treatment of him. Then, when he bafflingly dissed Ethan V.S. (in my view, a much better artist, and someone who was being *nice* to him), while I still sided with Kordey over Marvel, the personal sympathy factor diminished a little bit...
Until I realized something. Like, I don't think Kordey's grasp on English (while assuredly better than my own command of Croatian) is really that wonderful, so he may have thought Ethan was insulting him in a way that he wasn't. And I also think he meant the mirror-gazing thing to be funny, if hardly a compliment. I'm not sure how or if the nastiness escalates from where I stopped reading, but I think it's significant that Kordey doesn't (as far as I saw) attack the flaming asshole who repeatedly called his art shit. He seems less combative to me than just kinda snarky. Maybe a wry sense of humor just doesn't translate well. |