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Fictional Biography

17:43 / 24.02.04
I was thinking, what if we melted our lithed heads togheter and wrote a fictional biography based on a fictional persona of some sort? No time to elaborate now, anyone interested?
Tryphena Absent
17:54 / 24.02.04
Hmm... difficult as a collaborative project, the character would have to be strikingly well defined.
18:07 / 24.02.04
Not really, we could lay out a general definition. The chapters would cover different aspects of hir life/works/whatever, and we could write one or two chapters each, allowing many different takes on the subject..or?
Tryphena Absent
18:31 / 24.02.04
Depends how cohesive you want it. Two people writing a short haired, slightly odd, chocolate loving woman with a boyfriend called Bernard and a dog called Millicent aren't going to write the same person. That woman is going to be entirely different in much the same way that Jenny is and more to the point the differences will be more itsy because they'll be contained in the writing style.

Sorry, don't want to come down on you because I quite like the idea but don't expect something that particularly sits.
20:27 / 24.02.04
Yeah.. I see the complications. Maybe this can be resolved by creating a definition, writing some drafts on our own, polishing them while we dig out the best parts, then mash them togheter in a cohesive work of lith splendour.
22:23 / 24.02.04
allow the contraditions to happen. sketch out a skeletal biography (not to publish) and everyone else writes their article, essay, reminiscence, whatever, contradicting, extraopolating or confirming the sketch and each other as they see fit.
15:48 / 25.02.04
Ria's got it sussed, I reckon. Approach it as a collection of stories by different people, and the inconsistencies could actually make it more realistic.

Did anyone have any ideas to kick off with? Whereabouts on the realistic-absurd scale did you want to put it?
17:24 / 25.02.04
I'm enthused. Has anyone read James Robert Baker's Wonder Boy? It's a fictional biography done in documentary style, handing between commentators (more like a series of documentary interviews, only written). I really liked it, partly because through the triangulation - lots of different voices talking about the same character - he became more real. Even though all the voices and the character were created by the same person.
It made the central character look quite incoherent - some narrators were convinced he was a genius, others were sure he was a bastard - but somehow you got this luminous vague presence at the centre of all the descriptions. So I think a Barbelith group biography could work. (Something similar happens in Mr Wroe's Virgin's, which I also like, which has four narrators.)
I like the idea that we could all take on a persona (or two or more) and describe our experiences with the person concerned. It would allow for variation in the narratorial voice (rather than each participant trying to smooth out our voices into a single tone). It would also explain some of the contradiction and confusion as the perceptions of different (unreliable) observers.
If you fancied doing your bits as a straight third person biography by someone who never met the central character, that could also be incorporated (ie it could be prefaced by something like "John Doe's time in the Temple of High Light has been researched and recorded by biographer Jane Dee").
I also like the idea of including various touch-stone objects, places, or habits which would bubble up from time to time in the story, probably meaning entirely different things in the different segments of the tale.

Definitely enthused.
8===>Q: alyn
18:09 / 25.02.04
I've long wanted to write a fictional biography of a real person. Can we try something like that? Say, an entirely fictional biography of Teddy Roosevelt or Tutenkhamen?
18:17 / 25.02.04
Well, shall we get cracking then? Im looking for something fairly absurd(maybe something cartoonish?) Saveloy, but ofcourse, realism must be present to get that "biography feel"..Massykr 2004!-- fictional biography of a real person, now thats kinda to elaborate on that one? Fire away with your crazy lith`ass ideas!
13:19 / 26.02.04
We could make a Jenny everywhere biography, that would make for quite a few takes on the subject..or is that just lame?
19:25 / 27.02.04
Anyone interested? Is this where I fade into the night..only to return with something that is actually self-produced, is this were I finally get of my ass and try to write that jenny everywhere story ive been thinking off..? I think so
15:53 / 03.03.04
I recommend you kick off with something, and see if people join in. I quite fancy making up a lot of bollocks about an existing person.
19:42 / 03.03.04
how about a real person about which we know almost nothing? combined with my idea of having an outline first. that could get really confusing. (to the unitiated.)
07:11 / 04.03.04
Now that would be a big mess.. But again, thats how I like it..
12:28 / 04.03.04
Why doncha have a gander at this old thread?
8===>Q: alyn
15:19 / 04.03.04
Ha ha! "Unitiated"! I'm off to barbequote that one.
15:04 / 05.03.04
So, whos up for something like that?
15:33 / 21.04.04
Okay, how about David Niven? I only ask, cos I stated a thread way back with a fake bio of Niven, which kicked off with this (a version of):

Laurence Olivier had a warehouse full of Niven anecdotes, and spent many a long, drunken evening recounting them in authentic cockney for a delighted audience of pissheads in his local, The Nag's Biscuit on Gadzooks Lane. Here he recalls an incident which probably best highlights David's coolness under pressure:

'Dave had a temper on him alright, but terrific self control as well. I'll never forget the time someone ran over his dog, right in front of him, right in front of his house. Car, dog, splat. Dave loved that dog, it was like a brother to him. I was right next to him at the time, and I could hear the explosive mix of grief and rage bubbling up inside his bonce - it was coming out of his ears - and I thought: "hang on, this is going to be good," so I leapt behind the privett. Sure enough, Dave took off - straight down to his shed, where he set to work fashioning a wooden arse out of mahogany to replace the arse he was going to kick off the bloke what done it.

Made a cracking job of that arse, he did - turned it out on the lathe, sanded it to a smooth finish. He even weatherproofed it.

Soon as the 2nd coat of varnish had dried he went back out to the road and kicked the bloke's arse off - kicked it clean off in the first strike. The sound it made when he connected - well, it was incredible, like a crack of thunder it was. Some people reported seeing a blinding flash of light in the sky. Off that arse went, whoosh! like a rocket. Must've cleared 3 or 4 rows of houses before it came to rest.

It's in a museum now, that bloke's arse. But at least he got a wooden one to replace it, I mean you can't say fairer than that, can you? Better than some cheap plastic crap. I mean he could've just given him a big dolly's arse, but what good would that've been to anyone, eh? Eh?! What good's a big dolly's arse to anyone?!'
15:38 / 21.04.04
Whos David Niven?
15:46 / 21.04.04
D'oh! Suave Brit actor of the 30s - 80s.

David Niven

More Niven
15:49 / 21.04.04
I feel stupid now. I wasnt properly raised you know. And all.
8===>Q: alyn
19:21 / 21.04.04
A little-known episode in Niven's career concerned the theft of a steel guitar belonging to one Tuskaloosa Arnold, a bluesman on tour in Europe in 1933. Arnold, whose given name is believed to have been Nimrod Brown, reported his steel guitar "Stonewall" stolen on June 3rd, one night after performing his popular hit "Bleeding Eyes Rag" for the Royal family of Spain. The guitar was found in Nivens' hotel Barcelona room and the actor was arrested on suspicion of theft.
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:04 / 21.04.04
I always remember an incident that grew up from an argument between David and his friend Pol Pot (Not the dictator). The two fellows had been drinking cauliflower schnapps at a knees-up in the Bigotry Club on Pall Mall to celebrate the release of David's latest film The Most Basic of Instincts and had got into an argument regarding the comportment of Lord Nelson. Pol insisted that the statue of Nelson in Trafalgar Square showed him exposing his 'lad', as he was too high up for anyone but pigeons to see. All official photographs were of a non-obscene scale model kept deep within Whitehall. David poohpoohed the idea, insisting there was no way a hero like Nelson would have permitted his todger to be rendered in stone. As the argument grew more heated the two men set off for the column with an entorage of drunken hangers-on( myself included), having first raided the lost property for mountaineering equipment. As the party charged towards the column the potent effects of the schnapps kicked in and one by one we passed out in the gutters.
On awaking the next day, somehow all back in our beds, we were mildly shocked to find that Pol had died in the night. David never revealed what had happened once they reached the column, but ten years later, drunk on another bottle of that schnapps, he showed me the suppressed autopsy that revealed Pol had died after being pecked by a duck whose beak was laced with Curare, the preferred assassination technique of The Freemasons. When I asked him if he had seen Nelson's most private of parts he fixed me with a glassy, terrified stare and said only 'There are more things in heaven and earth... Horatio."
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:24 / 21.04.04
We're not leaving ourselves open for libel prosecution here, are we? Maybe these should be the stories of Navid Diven...
11:07 / 22.04.04
Navid Diven doesn't look too happy about that idea.

Dandi Viven is already speaking to his lawyers.

Dan Vivendi? He laugh!
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